Sell Annuities and Insurance Using Funnels


Alex Branning Shares the Giveaway Funnel on ClickFunnels Radio with Dave Woodward

Alex Branning Shares the Giveaway Funnel on ClickFunnels Radio with Dave Woodward

Alex explained, “we have two core products that work really well for our people. The Giveaway Funnel really put us on the map. The reason why the Giveaway Funnel works is because we’re using the law of reciprocity and the irresistible offer combined – so the consumer is excited about the opportunity

Alex Branning was interviewed on today’s podcast episode of ClickFunnels radio by Dave Woodward, the CEO of ClickFunnels. Dave introduced Alex as someone with “crazy success” for insurance agents, a notoriously difficult industry to have online marketing success in.

Dave was an insurance agent that sold annuities before he joined ClickFunnels, and he wanted to hear how Alex was able to have so much success helping his clients sell more annuities online than other marketing agencies.

Alex explained, “we have two core products that work really well for our people. The Giveaway Funnel really put us on the map. The reason why the Giveaway Funnel works is because we’re using the law of reciprocity and the irresistible offer combined – so the consumer is excited about the opportunity to win a really cool gift card and they now know the name of the insurance agent.”

In the interview Alex and Dave discussed the difficulty of selling insurance products, and one of the biggest roadblocks is the lack of knowledge that the general public has about certain insurance products, like annuities.

Alex shared, “we use email marketing on the back end [of the Giveaway Funnel] so that now the insurance agent can educate the audience on annuities and the other types of products they offer” by using permission-based marketing.

Recently, one of Alex’s clients sold thirty-three annuities in ninety days using the Giveaway Funnel. It’s not uncommon for Alex’s clients to sell an annuity every week using the Giveaway Funnel, and the cost per lead is a fraction of the cost the insurance agents have to pay if they buy leads from a vendor.

The interview conversation moved on to PackMyCalendar, the marketing platform the Branning Group built for insurance agents to help them setup their own on-demand seminars to educate their prospects on annuities and similar products.

Dave joked, “I remember the lunch and learns…it was so effective.” Alex shared how PackMyCalendar helps the insurance agent take the lunch-and-learn concept virtual, and expand their seminar into a larger geographic market. PackMyCalendar leverages your time, avoids tech failures and eliminates presentation nerves.

In the interview, Alex shared the step-by-step explanation for both the Giveaway Funnel and PackMyCalendar. You can learn more by listening to the episode of ClickFunnels Radio, or by going to and

Alex wrote a best-selling book for insurance agents titled, ”The Insurance Super Agent“. In the book Alex teaches how to become the insurance agent your ideal customers flock to, stick to and tell their friends about. You can buy the book on Amazon or

The “ClickFunnels Radio” podcast is published by ClickFunnels. The guests are chosen by the team at ClickFunnels, and the featured guest is not endorsed or sponsored by ClickFunnels, Dave Woodward, Russell Brunson, or any past guests of ClickFunnels Radio. Alex Branning was invited to speak because of the success of his Giveaway Funnel, and his appearance on the show should not be considered an endorsement.

The Branning Group is a marketing agency focused on helping insurance agents. They were founded in 2000 and are based in Redding, CA.

If you would like more information about this topic, please call Alex Branning at 661-946-0888 or visit his website at

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