Med One Group Announces New Office in North Carolina


Med One has experienced substantial growth in the southeastern United States, specifically in North Carolina. In response to this growth, company leadership has made the decision to open a physical location in the Raleigh area.

This new office will provide expanded service to the healthcare providers throughout the state by facilitating local deliveries and pickups and biomedical services from trained and certified technicians. The Morrisville office will be equipped with a variety of equipment to rent, including infusion pumps, feeding pumps, patient monitors, ventilators and respiratory devices, therapy equipment, and beds, and more.

Brad Johnson, SVP and General Manager of Equipment Rental said, “We love working in the southeast area of the country. We have met many wonderful people in the Southeast and feel Med One’s attention to customer service, and our top of the line equipment makes this a perfect time to expand our services in North Carolina. Southern hospitality is real, and we look forward to getting to know more and more people. We’re excited to work together to help healthcare facilities take care of their patients.”

The new office in North Carolina gives Med One Group a total of nine regional offices across the country. They are located in Corona, California; La Mirada, California; Hayward, California; San Diego, California; Sacramento, California; Alpharetta, Georgia; Sanford, Florida; Morrisville, North Carolina; and our corporate office in Sandy, Utah. Med One plans to continue expansion as markets require to be able to provide the best service and access to medical equipment.

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