Who speaks for them? National Pit Bull Victim Awareness Day


Interactive geographic map of media reports of pit bull attacks and deaths


“From 2005 to 2019, family dogs inflicted 54% of all fatal attacks. 65% were perpetrated by pit bulls.” Dogsbite.org

UNITED STATES AND CANADA – National Pit Bull Victim Awareness (NPBVA) marks its sixth anniversary on October 26, 2020 with a renewed call for the media and elected officials to address the critical issue of pit bull attacks.

A pre-recorded Zoom panel October 26 addresses urgent concerns for politicians and journalists. The panel features Mia Johnson (co-founding member, National Pit Bull Victim Awareness), Colleen Lynn (founder, Dogsbite.org), and Anne Marie Rogers (founder, Responsible Citizens for Public Safety – RC4PS). Topics include challenges faced by victims of pit bull attacks, the current state of Breed Specific Legislation (BSL), state pre-emption laws in the USA, and the NDAA repeal of its ban on US military bases and housing.

Zoom panel October 26 https://www.facebook.com/NationalPitBullVictimAwareness

In the first 9 months of 2020, the media reported:

  • pit bulls killed 31 people in the USA and Canada
  • pit bulls killed someone every 9 days on average
  • 16 people were killed by their own family pit bulls
  • pit bulls killed 13 seniors, including two people in wheelchairs
  • pit bulls killed 10 children
  • pit bulls killed 8 children under two years old, including an infant sleeping in a playpen

Thousands of people have been severely disfigured, dismembered and disabled for life, as well as thousands of animals. October 26 is National Pit Bull Victim Awareness Day in memory of those who have been attacked or killed, their grieving families and neighbors, and vast networks of emergency response services.

National Pit Bull Victim Awareness (NPBVA) advocates for more than 70 organizations and social media groups in the United States and Canada, including memorial and support pages for victims of pit bull attacks, breed-specific legislation, and non-profit organizations.

The NPBVA website at https://www.nationalpitbullvictimawareness.org/ provides interactive maps and a searchable database of 6000 pit bull attacks reported by the media in the past 5 years. https://www.nationalpitbullvictimawareness.org/attacks/pit-bull-attack-database-keywords

The volunteer-run organization maintains a Facebook page for victims and initiates email campaigns to legislators in the USA and Canada. NPBVA provides a list of academic medical studies published since 2014 on the disproportionate damage and frequency of pit bull attacks. https://www.nationalpitbullvictimawareness.org/articles/medical-studies-on-pit-bulls/

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