Value-based primary care provider accelerates growth and physician recruitment

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ChenMed will open 20 new medical practices in the coming year, adding Cincinnati, Cleveland, Memphis, Orlando, and St. Louis

Having sustained average annual growth exceeding 35 percent since 2010, ChenMed today announced plans to establish multiple Dedicated Senior Medical Centers in each of five new cities, and to substantively grow its current 14 markets. ChenMed will open 20 new medical practices in the coming year, adding Cincinnati, Cleveland, Memphis, Orlando, and St. Louis to transform primary care for tens of thousands of presently underserved seniors. With these openings, ChenMed will have almost 80 centers in 10 states.

“We’re enjoying a record year at ChenMed,” notes Christopher Chen, M.D., ChenMed CEO. “So, as a mission-driven company long focused on revolutionizing primary care for at-risk seniors, we’re self-funding a record number of new centers in 2020. Our proven and scalable approach to primary care is precisely what Medicare-eligible seniors in Cincinnati, Cleveland, Memphis, Orlando and St. Louis need to thrive.”

Unlike traditional fee-for-service medical practices across America, where it’s frequently hard for patients to schedule timely appointments with their primary care physicians, ChenMed primary care physicians make it easy for patients to stay connected with the doctor who knows them best. They earn trust by providing high-touch personalized primary care and give patients their personal cell phone numbers for timely replies to texts or calls. Plus, they welcome walk-in appointments whenever needed by their patients.

“Our bold 2020 expansion means we’re aggressively recruiting outstanding primary care physicians to help us serve at-risk seniors in 19 markets, with even more hires anticipated in 2021. And, as a physician-led, high-growth medical practice, we are currently offering great careers with a fast track to partnership in 10 states,” explains Gaurov Dayal, M.D., president, new markets and chief growth officer at ChenMed.

“ChenMed has been transforming care for seniors for more than 30 years,” Dayal adds. “Our primary care doctors serve an average of just 400 patients each. That’s less than one-fifth the national average of 2,300 patients per primary doctor, and it’s a real quality of care advantage for our seniors – especially for those living with multiple and major chronic health challenges.” Clinicians can learn more @

Top clinical leaders at ChenMed are frequent presenters at key industry forums, given the company’s pioneering work, and quick-to-scale leadership as a 100 percent at-risk value-based care provider. Recent examples include: America’s Physician Groups 2019 Colloquium, LAN Summit 2019, NEJM Catalyst Dinner 2019, Cain Brothers’ 2019 Annual Healthcare Innovation Conference, Oliver Wyman Healthcare Summit 2019, SHSMD Connections 2019 Annual Conference, and BMA Medicare Advantage Summit 2019.

Plus, ChenMed continues to educate physicians about the tremendous promise of value- over volume-based primary care. During 2019 alone, ChenMed has hosted or presented at more than 50 invitation only events for primary care doctors interested in learning about the viable pathways to risk as encouraged by Alex Azar, United States Secretary of Health and Human Services (HSUS), and by Seema Verma, administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

More time with patients means better outcomes

The proven ChenMed approach is simple and vital to Medicare-eligible seniors, many of whom are living with major and multiple chronic health challenges. ChenMed primary care physicians average 10 times more face-to-face time with their patients than a typical physician does. Instead of the national average of just 20.3 minutes of direct time yearly with patients, ChenMed patients in Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia benefit from average time with their doctor exceeding 200 minutes annually.

“The more doctors see their patients, the better they know them. And the better they know them, the better chance they have of helping them stay healthy by catching small issues before they turn into big ones,” underscores Dr. Chen.

Important personalized care benefits for ChenMed patients include:

  • Door-to-doctor transportation, if necessary.
  • Having the cell phone number for his/her ChenMed primary care physician for timely and informed help whenever a health concern might arise.
  • Walk-in appointments.
  • Unlimited visits.
  • On-site cardiology, medication dispensing, imaging, labs, acupuncture, and more.
  • Healthy lifestyle classes.
  • Almost all costs of care covered by fixed Medicare and/Medicaid reimbursements that are enhanced by Medicare Advantage supplemental insurance.

About ChenMed

For seniors most in need of care, high-quality health care often is beyond reach. ChenMed brings concierge-style medicine — and better health outcomes — to the neediest populations. ChenMed is a privately owned medical, management and technology company that currently operates 59 primary care medical practices for diverse populations of seniors. A provider of choice for some 20 Medicare Advantage health insurance plans, ChenMed brands include Chen Senior Medical Center, Dedicated Senior Medical Center, and JenCare Senior Medical Center.

Results of ChenMed’s high-touch approach to primary care are impressive, as illustrated in the Modern Healthcare cover story (Oct. 20, 2018), which reports, “Indeed, ChenMed’s approach has resulted in 50 percent fewer hospital admissions compared with a standard primary-care practice, 28 percent lower per-member costs and significantly higher use of evidence-based medications.” Inspired by ChenMed Chairman and Founder James Chen, M.D., Ph.D., the company has been serving low-to-moderate-income seniors with multiple complex chronic conditions for over 30 years. The company’s passion for community service was recently underscored when ChenMed invested more than $500,000 to underwrite more than 9,000 employee hours of pre-Thanksgiving volunteer work completed for outstanding community organizations. Learn more about the high-growth company by visiting

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