The US House of Representatives, SOMOS Community Care, and Griffin Health to Utilize Diet ID

The new year and decade signal a fresh start for businesses seeking innovative, impactful wellness solutions that drive success. In response to this growing trend, three large organizations, including the U.S. House of Representatives, SOMOS Community Care, and Griffin Health are launching Diet ID™, a digital health solution that uses an image-based breakthrough in dietary assessment to guide users towards achieving their nutrition goals. The growing demand for Diet ID highlights the need for sustainable, long term behavior solutions in place of outdated food trackers and fad diets.

Empowering employees to reach their wellness goals, The U.S. House of Representatives Chief Administrative Office in Washington, DC is providing Diet ID to thousands of Capitol Hill and district-based staffers as a fun, and refreshing way to engage their population.

SOMOS Community Care, a New York healthcare system with over 600,000 patients, has also launched Diet ID to support its focus on preventive, innovative approaches towards community-based wellness. SOMOS JumpStart participants have begun to use Diet ID to track improvements in diet and wellness, leading to a reduction in avoidable hospitalizations. Chief Medical Officer of SOMOS Community Care, Dr. Diego Ponieman, explains, “Diet ID is a seamless fit with our program’s proactive approach to wellness. It provides our patients with a fun, fast tool for assessing diet that cuts across language barriers within our population. We are thrilled to be a partner and advocate of Diet ID.”

The third major deployment of Diet ID in the New Year will take place at Griffin Health, an independent community hospital and health services provider dedicated to improving the health, quality of life, and well-being of caregivers and the 130,000 residents in Connecticut’s Lower Naugatuck Valley. Griffin Health CEO Patrick A. Charmel explains, “Caring for our caregivers is fundamental to the success we’ve had at Griffin Health. More and more, we see that lifestyle choices – like what and how much we eat, how active we are, and our ability to refrain from unhealthy habits – can help prevent chronic disease. Instead of reacting to illness, it is our mission, and our responsibility, to empower individuals to make choices that change their lifestyles for the better. Diet ID is yet another resource we’re providing to empower our more than 1,500 caregivers to make healthy food choices and achieve their wellness goals.”

Dr. David Katz, CEO and Founder of Diet ID, is happy to expand Diet ID’s presence across the country through these partnerships. Katz said, “We are both honored and delighted to join forces with these three innovative partners and we look forward to empowering their patients and staff with the best wellness solution on the market. This momentum in our growth shows that there is a true demand for Diet ID, a wellness tool that provides patients and employees with lasting results.”

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