The Safeguarding Company and Operation Breakthrough Partner to Support Students’ Mental Health and Wellbeing


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“It’s incredibly important we effectively support our students beyond academics,” said Mary Esselman, President and CEO of Operation Breakthrough.

The Safeguarding Company, provider of software and training to systemically protect students’ wellbeing, announces a partnership with Operation Breakthrough Inc., a nonprofit organization in Kansas City, which provides a safe, loving and educational environment for children in poverty and empowers their families through advocacy, financial assistance and education.

Together, the two organizations are supporting students’ mental health and wellbeing with MyConcern, The Safeguarding Company’s software tool that makes it simple for all staff to securely and privately record wellbeing concerns about students, and submit supporting evidence. MyConcern modernizes outdated and ineffective methods like sticky notes, paper files or even informal conversations to track concerns about students and enables private and secure asynchronous collaboration both within schools and between teachers and administrators, district personnel and outside agencies.

When students face social emotional and mental health challenges, trauma, abuse and hardships, they risk limiting their academic progress. Safeguarding proactively addresses these risks—setting education leaders up to effectively manage students’ non-academic needs.

“It’s incredibly important we effectively support our students beyond academics,” said Mary Esselman, President and CEO of Operation Breakthrough. “With MyConcern, we’ve created almost an ‘online huddle’ where each adult working with a student can share patterns and trends in the student’s behaviors with others who work with the student, providing a complete view of the student’s mental health and wellbeing. This is something we could not have done efficiently and effectively before.”

Students’ mental health and wellbeing are top of mind for educators right now. According to a recent article from NPR, there were more than 47,000 mental health visits to emergency departments at 38 children’s hospitals around the country in the first three quarters of 2021—nearly 40% higher than the same period in 2020. And the situation has worsened in recent months.

Schools that have implemented MyConcern experience a significant increase in supporting student needs because of the data collected about students’ wellbeing. Staff and teachers can submit concerns through a trusted and secure system with assurance that the student’s case will be properly managed. MyConcern creates a redacted audit trail related to each concern and student case so that administrators have ready access to documentation as needed.

“With the stressors caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, students are dealing with a lot right now—from losing loved ones to worries around school violence,” said Martin Baker, CEO of The Safeguarding Company. “The educators at Operation Breakthrough have done an incredible job supporting their students and MyConcern only increases their impact.”

To learn more about MyConcern or The Safeguarding Company, please visit

About The Safeguarding Company

The Safeguarding Company provides software and training solutions that support administrators, teachers and staff in implementing Safeguarding practices. These practices increase the wellbeing of students by reducing the impact of social emotional and mental health challenges, trauma, abuse and other non-academic concerns. Effective Safeguarding practice enables education leaders to identify problems before they arise, deal with concerns more effectively and build a network of support that protects students. As schools practice Safeguarding, MyConcern is the software tool that administrators, teachers and staff use to securely record wellbeing concerns about students. With Safeguarding, administrators can holistically and collaboratively support a student’s wellbeing and take preventative action as needed. For more information, visit

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