The Most Valuable Car Insurance Add-ons Drivers Should Buy

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“Car insurance add-ons can be very useful in certain situations like a car break down, or first-time accidents”, said Russell Rabichev, Marketing Director of Internet Marketing Company. has launched a new blog post that presents several useful car insurance add-ons that drivers should purchase.

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To legally drive on the roads of the US, drivers are required to purchase car insurance. Each state has its own requirements for car insurance. In addition to the state’s minimum insurance, drivers can add some extra add-ons to their policies. These add-ons can be really useful in certain situations and drivers should consider buying them.

The most popular car insurance policy add-ons are the following:

  •     Accident forgiveness. This add-on is very useful for drivers that were at-fault for the first time in a car accident. Drivers that have this add-on will be forgiven for their first at-fault crash, therefore their insurance rates will remain the same and will not increase as it’s normal after an at-fault accident. While some insurers offer this add-on for free, others will require the drivers to pay an extra fee. Drivers can qualify for accident forgiveness if they have a clean driving record and a no-claims history.
  •     Roadside assistance. This coverage helps drivers when their vehicle breaks down. Generally, roadside assistance includes services like towing, battery service, flat tire service, fuel delivery, lockout service, and extrication. If the service professional cannot restore the broken vehicle to a state in which it can be safely driven, then the vehicle will be towed to the nearest mechanic shop.
  •     Vanishing deductible. This optional feature will help drivers reduce the value of their comprehensive and/or collision deductible by an amount that is between $50 and $ 100 at the begging of their policies and then the same amount annually until it reaches zero. As long as the driver makes no claims, this option will remain active. An increasing number of insurers are offering this add-on to their customers.
  •     Gap insurance. This optional coverage is very useful for drivers that own a brand-new car that is being financed or leased and have purchased comprehensive and collision coverage. Gap insurance will pay the difference a driver still owes on his vehicle and its actual cash value. Insurers will determine the vehicle’s worth at the time of the accident, not at the time the driver bought it. In most cases, there will be a difference between what an insurer pays and the total amount a driver owes to the bank or lender. Drivers that don’t own gap insurance will have to pay for the difference with their own money.

For additional info, money-saving tips and free car insurance quotes, visit is an online provider of life, home, health, and auto insurance quotes. This website is unique because it does not simply stick to one kind of insurance provider, but brings the clients the best deals from many different online insurance carriers. In this way, clients have access to offers from multiple carriers all in one place: this website. On this site, customers have access to quotes for insurance plans from various agencies, such as local or nationwide agencies, brand names insurance companies, etc.

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