The 3 Top Physical Benefits of Inversion Therapy and Stretch Massage – Know These Ultimate Reasons in Investing in an Inversion Therapy Massage Chair


Infinity Smart Chair X3 massage chair

Inversion therapy is defined by, as a technique where the individual “is suspended upside down to stretch out the spine and relieve back pain.” Ergo, the theory is that if the body’s point of gravity is shifted, pressure on the back and spine are relieved while implementing traction for the spine using the head and upper body as the “weights” needed to stretch the neck and spine out during traditional traction.

The good news is that it is no longer necessary to visit a medical expert or physical therapist for stretch massage, traction, and inversion therapy treatment. There is a range of S-track massage chairs have this built-in functionality to provide similar therapeutic benefits as received during a professional massage by a physical therapist or massage therapist.

Therefore, by way of expanding on this topic, here are the top 3 benefits of inversion therapy and stretch massage.

Alleviates pressure on the spinal cord

The primary benefit offered by inversion therapy massage chairs such as the Infinity Smart Chair X3 massage chair is that, because the body is upside down in the inverted position, pressure on the spinal cord is alleviated. This allows spinal fluid to move into the spaces around the discs, and it eases any pressure on the discs; thereby, preventing protruding and herniated discs.

Stretch massage therapy is the perfect partner to inversion therapy.


These massage chairs all utilize a technology known as S-track massage or Sinusoidal-track massage. An S-track massage chair incorporates roller tracks that following the natural curve of the spine. Ergo, it stretches from the top of the chair to the bottom of the seat. These tracks contain the rollers that move up and down from the neck to the glutes.

This S-track technology also enables the chair like the Luraco iRobotics 7 Plus massage chair to stretch the spinal cord out, resulting in the same benefits as inversion technology by helping alleviate pressure on the spine.

Improves blood flow to the spine and back

Blood brings life to the human body. It transfers nutrients and oxygen to the different parts of the body, like the spine and back muscles. And it removes carbon dioxide and other waste products and transfers them to the lungs, kidneys, and digestive system to ensure effective removal.

Reduced blood oxygen levels and increased blood carbon dioxide levels are counterproductive to optimal skeletal muscle function. Consequently, the circulatory system is closely associated with the skeletal muscle for the efficient transfer of oxygen to the muscles. Contracting muscles require a large amount of oxygen to support their metabolic and contractile activities.

Thus, when the blood flow is reduced because of tight muscles and a compressed spinal cord, blood cannot flow freely to the spinal muscles. Without oxygen, muscles cannot function efficiently. Therefore, stretch massage and inversion therapy, as offered by the Daiwa Relax 2 Xero 3D massage chair, is an essential part of ensuring that there is optimal blood flow to the spine and back muscles by stretching the spine out and helping to relax tight and knotted muscles.

Reduces the need for surgery

Part of the modern lifestyle includes spending hours per day, week, and month hunched up behind a laptop or desktop computer or bent over a mobile device, resulting in poor posture.

The consequences of poor posture include additional pressure on the discs between each of the spinal and neck vertebrae. Eventually, this unnatural pressure results in herniated or protruding discs.

The fundamental difference between disc protrusion and herniation is that the strong outer layer develops one or more holes, and the soft gel-like center of a herniated disc leaks out, destroying the protective cushion between the two vertebrae.

Juxtapositionally, the protruding disc’s soft gel-like center does not leak out, the disc is forced out of place by external pressures on the two vertebrae, but the tough fibrous outer layer does not break.

When one of these two conditions occur, the two vertebrae grind against each other, causing extreme pain and the loss of mobility; resulting in the need for surgery to fuse the two vertebrae. Consequently, it is essential to use one of stretch massage chairs such as the Inada Robo massage chair to prevent this condition from occurring.

Final thoughts

In summary, these massage chairs have a vast number of unique features, and they are part of the group of inversion therapy and stretch massage chairs.

Therefore, find out more about any one of the inversion therapy and stretch massage chairs by contacting The Modern Back at 800-416-4304.

The Modern Back is one of the leading online massage chair retail stores in the United States. They also have the largest showrooms in Tambay Bay and Ft Myers, Florida, offering various types and brands of massage chairs to suit all budgets. Their knowledgeable staff are always available to answer questions and to assist customers with their massage chair purchase.

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