State of Washington Wins NASCIO Award for Track-Kit Sexual Assault Kit Tracking System

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The State of Washington received a NASCIO award for implementing STACS DNA’s Track-Kit to track the location and status of every sexual assault kit across the state.

For its implementation of the Track-Kit Sexual Assault Kit System from STACS DNA, the State of Washington received a 2019 State IT Recognition Award from the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO). Washington State Patrol (WSP), STACS DNA’s client, won the State CIO Office Special Recognition Award from over 130 submissions.

As described in WSP’s submission, “Prior to this legislation, survivors had no way of knowing the location or status of their kit. The Tracking System provides start-to-finish SAK inventory tracking to deliver accountability, transparency and information sharing among all stakeholders, and most importantly provide the survivor with peace of mind. Through the extended use of this system, it will create more efficiency and accountability in SAK evidence workflows, thereby preventing the accumulation of un-submitted kits.”

STACS DNA played a significant role in developing and delivering statewide training, as described in the proposal. Live web-based training proves cost-effective, timely, and reduces the number of trainers needed. The company also provides online training resources, assistance and curriculum to end users, which are continuously updated using lessons learned during deployment. FAQs, self-paced videos and full user documentation are accessible within Track-Kit. The proposal also outlines the legislation, stakeholders, implementation process and impact of the system.

WSP has become a national pioneer in regards to its SAK Tracking System Program as many states have used Washington’s model for their own SAK tracking programs. Globally, the program has received worldwide recognition following presentations at several international meetings.

According to NASCIO Awards Committee co-chairs, Denis Goulet, Commissioner for the State of New Hampshire, and Nelson Moe, Chief Information Officer for the Commonwealth of Virginia, “The recipients and submissions for this year’s awards are prime examples of how state IT can transform and improve the lives of the citizens we serve. We are proud to recognize them with this high honor.”


STACS DNA offers sample tracking software for forensics and healthcare. Track-Kit™ tracks every kit statewide to prevent delays, improve compliance and keep thousands of stakeholders informed. STACS® software is the most comprehensive DNA sample tracking and lab management software, maximizing processing throughput and minimizing risk. Our customers are federal, state, regional and local agencies, including many of the largest forensics DNA labs in North America.

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