Seraphina Therapeutics Has Received GRAS Status for FA15(TM)


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Fatty15 has officially acquired it’s GRAS certification.

Seraphina Therapeutics announced that it has received Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status for FA15(TM), a pure powder and free fatty acid form of C15:0. A growing body of science supports that C15:0, also called pentadecanoic acid, is the first essential fatty acid to be discovered in the past 90 years. This approval paves the way for FA15(TM) to be used as an ingredient, including in plant-based milks, plant-based meats, and nutritional bars. The natural saturated fatty acid is also currently available as a supplement known as fatty15, which is shipped in sustainable packaging and available as a subscription.

“An increasing number of people are seeking out plant-based alternatives, including milk and meat replacements. While this movement is based on health grounds, these products are deficient in C15:0, a healthy dietary fat naturally present in whole fat dairy milk and meat,” shared Dr. Stephanie Venn-Watson, Seraphina’s CEO and Co-Founder. Multiple large studies throughout the world have consistently shown that higher dietary and body levels of C15:0 are associated with better health and longevity, likely due to its demonstrated ability to promote cellular resilience, repair mitochondria, and naturally bind to key receptors (called PPAR𝛼 and PPAR𝛅) that regulate metabolism, immunity, mood, appetite and sleep. With this new approval, the company will work to forge partnerships with current companies producing plant-based milk and meat alternatives, as well as nutritional bars, to integrate FA15(TM) into these products and make up for dietary C15:0 deficiencies.

This new approval will allow this essential saturated fat, in a pure powder and vegan-friendly form, to be provided to children older than four years old as well as mothers who are both pregnant and breastfeeding. But, while GRAS is an important step to integrating FA15(TM) into foods as an ingredient, Seraphina Therapeutics reiterates that those wanting to adopt this revolutionary new ingredient sooner rather than later have the option to acquire FA15(TM) from a currently available supplement, fatty15, today to get sufficient C15:0 back into their diets.

Fatty15 offers FA15(TM) to people in the form of a single vegan-friendly capsule per day, providing the body with an essential nutrient that helps protect against aging-related breakdown. The essential fatty acid comes packaged in a reusable glass jar with an eco-friendly wooden bamboo cap, and refills are mailed in recyclable packaging to reduce environmental impact. Studies have proven that the supplement can lead to an 80% improvement in cellular stability and the mitochondria of human cells can see a 45% improvement in function.

The company has successfully developed methods to produce this innovative and high quality ingredient in metric tons, and is working to introduce it into more places so it can be easily accessed by everyone. But for now it remains committed to offering it in the form of fatty15, which is readily available online at

Seraphina Therapeutics is a ground-breaking start-up founded by a team of leading doctors, scientists and entrepreneurs with decades of experience. This group came together to build fatty15, a supplement providing C15:0, what a growing body of science supports as the first essential saturated fatty acid to be discovered in 90 years. Fatty15 helps to protect our health, especially as we age, and is available today. More information is available at

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