Safety Features That Will Help Drivers Get Better Car Insurance Rates

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“Upgrading your vehicle with the latest safety advancements and technologies, will help you not only to save money on car insurance, but it will help you have a safe car for your family”, said Russell Rabichev, Marketing Director of Internet Marketing Company. has launched a new blog post that presents several important safety features that can help drivers pay cheaper car insurance premiums.

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Safety features that are installed in the vehicles can help drivers save money on insurance. Safety features can protect the driver and the passengers in the event of a collision and some features can even prevent accidents. From these reasons, insurance companies will pay medical bills for fewer accident injuries. To encourage drivers to purchase safer vehicles, insurance companies are offering discounts for the safety features installed in the vehicles. However, not all insurance companies are offering discounts for safety features.

The most important safety features are the following:

  • Airbags. Having airbags seems the norm nowadays, but insurance companies provide discounts to policyholders that invest more money in quality airbags. Drivers are less likely to experience severe injuries if they have airbags in their cars. For insurance companies, this reduces the risk of having to pay substantial compensations,
  • Anti-lock brake systems. In the states of New York, New Jersey, and Florida car insurance providers are obliged by the law to give discounts to policyholders who own vehicles with ABS systems. ABS systems can help drivers save money on collision coverage, medical payments, PIP insurance, and liability insurance.
  • Electronic stability control. Some carriers are offering discounts to policyholders who own vehicles equipped with ESC. Electronic stability control will help drivers control their vehicles on icy or wet roads.
  • Seatbelts. Discounts for seatbelts are quite new in the insurance industry. Some insurers will offer a 15% discount off medical payment coverage and PIP insurance premiums just for having seatbelts installed in a vehicle.
  • Daytime running lights. This safety feature is present on most modern vehicles and will help drivers have better visibility during the day. In most cases, drivers will get a 5% discount off their liability coverage, medical payment coverage, collision coverage, and PIP premiums.
  • Crash resistant door. Drivers who own vehicles that have doors that feature the latest crash resistance technology, that has safer crumpling on impact, are eligible for a 5% discount.
  • Anti-theft devices. Insurers will offer discounts that can be as large as 30% for drivers who have advanced anti-theft devices in their vehicles, like ignition kill switches. Talk with an agent to see which devices qualify for a discount.
  • Lane departure systems. Modern vehicles are equipped with lane departure warning systems or advanced systems that can push a vehicle back to its lane. These systems can prevent drowsy driving and distracted driving. The discount can vary a lot depending on the insurance company and on what type of system is installed in the vehicle. Again, it is recommended to talk with an insurance representative to find out more about discount eligibility and value.

For additional info, money-saving tips and free car insurance quotes, visit is an online provider of life, home, health, and auto insurance quotes. This website is unique because it does not simply stick to one kind of insurance provider, but brings the clients the best deals from many different online insurance carriers. In this way, clients have access to offers from multiple carriers all in one place: this website. On this site, customers have access to quotes for insurance plans from various agencies, such as local or nationwide agencies, brand names insurance companies, etc.

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