S.S. White Technologies Inc./SHUKLA Medical, A Florida Manufacturer, Reaches Out to Poor Workers in Hometown in India

The Coronavirus has created untold sufferings globally. The prime minister of India declared a lockdown for the entire country of India to combat the global pandemic of the Coronavirus. This has made life extremely difficult for some of the day workers in India. These workers would purchase groceries each day from their daily wages. Many non-resident Indians (NRI) living in the United States are making efforts to be helpful to people in need in India. One such person is Rahul Shukla. Rahul Shukla is the owner and president of S.S. White Technologies and Shukla Medical in St. Petersburg, Florida where they manufacture aerospace and automotive parts as well as orthopedic extraction tools.

Rahul Shukla, upon hearing of the plight of poor day wage earners in the district where their subsidiary is located, called the district collector (county commissioner) and asked how he and his company could help. The collector explained that not too far from where the S.S. White building is located in Gujarat State, India, there is a large community of day wage earners who work in salt farms. The wages are meager and the workers are paid on a daily basis. Since the lockdown, there was no work and these salt farmers had no money to buy food supplies or make meals for their families. “Would S.S. White/SHUKLA Medical be willing to make some food kits and donate them to us so that we can distribute them to the salt workers?” asked the collector. Rahul Shukla did not hesitate for one second. He said, “We will make 2,000 such kits and distribute them.” He promptly called his top management team and asked how soon they could assemble the kits. “It will be done by the end of tomorrow,” said Ahmed Pathan, one of the managers in India. Even though the country was under a total lockdown in India, the S.S. White/SHUKLA management team obtained necessary permission to open the plant for one day, purchased bulk food supplies, and created assembly lines to prepare 2,000 kits each containing 10 lbs of wheat flour, 10 lbs of rice, 10 lbs of lentils, 10 lbs of rice-lentil mix called Khichdi, a half a gallon of cooking oil, 2 lbs of sugar, and some spices.

As per the suggestion of the district collector, the kits were distributed to the poorest of the poor workers in a small village of Kuda where many workers make their living by working in salt farms.

S.S. White’s President did not stop there. The company gave the same ration kit to its 350 employees and to all of their contract workers. Mr. Shukla also gave one hundred thousand rupees ($1,500 USD) to the Chief Minister’s relief fund, in the spirit of doing something not only for the people of the country where we grew up but also for the people of the state where we have lived.

In 2017, S.S. White India had purchased an ambulance, fully equipped with ICU facilities. The company makes the ambulance available free of cost to local residents when a patient needs to be transferred to a larger hospital 80 miles away or further. During the Coronavirus pandemic, the company supplied the ambulance to the County Collector, Mr. K. Rajesh’s, disposal to allow seriously ill patients to be readily transferred to larger, better-equipped hospitals.

“Many people have money,” said Vipin Toliya, the Mayor of Surendranagar, where the S.S. White branch is located, “but what is noteworthy is Mr. Shukla called us from the USA and asked us how he and his company could help.” It is the goodness of kind people like Rahul Shukla and companies like S.S. White and SHUKLA Medical that reinstates our faith in humanity.”

For more information: Please contact:

Sheryl@sswhite.net +1 727-273-4390

Kazumi@sswhite.net, +91-769-800-1507

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