Rock Emergency Partners With SteraMist in Fight to Stop the Spread of Coronavirus

Rock Emergency Joins Fight Against Coronavirus With SteraMist

Rock Emergency Joins Fight Against Coronavirus With SteraMist

“Our company is working to make public spaces safer by offering decontamination services to commercial businesses in New York. To combat this spreading disease, we have licensed and are utilizing the SteraMist Binary Ionization Technology (BIT) line of products.” – Tom Resser, VP of Rock Emergency

The coronavirus has steadily been spreading over the past few months, claiming over 3,000 lives globally thus far. Coronavirus isn’t a new disease, but the current strain of the virus (COVID-19) originally surfaced in China and has quickly spread over the past few months and is now present in a number of U.S states, including New York. The virus spreads much in the same way that the flu spreads, which means it’s important for everyone to take the necessary precautions in relation to sanitization, sterilization and interpersonal contact.

So how is Rock Emergency fighting the virus?

Rock Emergency has recently partnered with TOMI Environmental Solutions, Inc.® through their SteraMist line of products. Routinely used to disinfect high traffic areas, SteraMist iHP technology has treated public transportation, ambulances, hotel rooms, offices, and universities to stop the spread of this deadly virus. With more than 50 international customers and partners ranging from countries in Asia, Europe, and the Mideast using hundreds of SteraMist units, many of which have been deployed to stop the spread of COVID-19.

SteraMist is an EPA registered sole active ingredient Hydrogen Peroxide based product line that uses Binary Ionization Technology (BIT). The SteraMist brand of products is licensed and sold by TOMI Environmental Solutions, Inc., a global bacteria decontamination and infectious disease control company.

“The 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), officially named as COVID-19 by the WHO, has spread to 83 more countries apart from China alarming public health authorities across the world. A total of 96,405 (including 80,409 in Mainland China, 105 in Hong Kong, and ten in Macau) confirmed cases of novel coronavirus infection including 3,307 deaths (including 3,014 in China, 107 in Italy, 107 in Iran, 35 in South Korea, 12 in Japan, 11 in the US, four in France, two each in Australia and Spain, and one each in the Philippines, Switzerland, San Marino, Thailand, and Taiwan) have been reported across the world as of 04 March 2020.” (

Rock Emergency is no stranger to dealing with situations like this. Aside from their restoration services, they also handle biohazard cleanups – which is a service that requires a great deal of compassion, discretion and attention to detail. Their technicians follow OSHA and EPA protocols to properly handle and dispose of any materials associated with these types of losses. Their technicians are extensively trained to handle these types of situations, with experience in cleanup and decontamination of crime scenes, commercial buildings, public transportation stations (trains, airplanes, buses), etc. Rock Emergency is aware of the degree of sensitivity around the coronavirus and as such is making great efforts to bring their decontamination capabilities to all of New York and surrounding states and cities. Their tagline expresses just how they feel about this situation, “We’re in this together.” To contact them for decontamination/disinfection of your space, call 844-7625-911 or 585-413-1566.

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