Revitalize Nurse Call Systems without a Construction Project

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Canopy works by overlaying any brand of existing nurse call software with Critical Alert’s CommonPath Enterprise solution and analytics platform providing more effective management of patient-to-caregiver communications at a fraction of the cost of new construction.

Critical Alert announced today its new application, CommonPath Canopy– a software-only approach created to extend the life and feature set of a hospital’s legacy nurse call system.

Canopy works by overlaying any brand of existing nurse call software with Critical Alert’s CommonPath Enterprise solution and analytics platform providing more effective management of patient-to-caregiver communications at a fraction of the cost of new construction. Canopy is sold as Software as a Service (SaaS) providing customers with even more substantial ROI than traditional upgrade approaches.

The Canopy application also includes the CommonPath Clinical Analytics suite which provides both real-time and retrospective insights to support caregiver workload management, patient engagement, satisfaction and safety.

Regardless of a hospital’s deployed nurse call system(s), CommonPath Canopy and Clinical Analytics can be used to enhance communications between clinical staff and their patients.

“We understand the budget constraints that all hospitals are facing and felt compelled to create a product that would eliminate the need for expensive construction projects when nurse call software becomes outdated and ineffective,” stated John Elms, CEO. “Moreover, hospitals with multiple vendors and generations of nurse call can now provide their users with a common user interface and consolidated data and analytics across the entire enterprise at a compelling price point,” continued Elms.

Critical Alert will be demonstrating CommonPath Canopy at HIMSS from March 10th to March 12th by appointment.

About Critical Alert

Critical Alert offers a solution set of enterprise, software-based products, services and strategies that enable hospitals and healthcare enterprises to give a voice to their patients, empower their clinical staff with actionable intelligence, unburden their support and IT teams and save money. CommonPath Enterprise, our software-driven patient communications platform includes UL-1069 nurse call, alarm management & event notification, patient experience monitoring, advanced clinical analytics and a portfolio of integrated partner offerings.

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Critical Alert is a trademark of Critical Alert. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.

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