RadSite Seeks Nominations for Standards and Accreditation Committees

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“It has been rewarding to support a program that helps imaging facilities improve their quality and safety,” said Mark Hiatt, MD, radiologist and member of the RadSite Standards Committee. “RadSite identifies emerging trends in imaging to ensure they are addressed by its accreditation programs.”

RadSite™, a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recognized accreditation organization promoting quality-based imaging, is seeking candidates to serve on its volunteer committees.

The committees and their focus are as follows:

  • The MIPPA Accreditation Standards (MAP) Standards Committee develops new quality and performance programs and revises existing standards based on emerging best practices and new regulatory requirements. Its work addresses advance diagnostic imaging systems, including CT, MRI, and Nuclear Medicine.
  • The Cone Beam CT Standards Committee develops standards for Cone Beam CT imaging systems, including dental, ENT, maxillofacial, orthopedics, and podiatry specialty areas.
  • The Accreditation Committee oversees RadSite’s accreditation activities for imaging facilities and systems.

Volunteers from a broad cross section of the healthcare industry are sought for these committees, including imaging providers, health care professionals, consumer representatives, business experts, employer representatives, association executives, and government officials.

“Our key committees support RadSite’s mission to promote quality and performance-based imaging,” said Mark Casner, RadSite’s Accreditation Committee chair. “Committee volunteers are instrumental in enhancing our standards, accreditation processes, and research activities, and we are honored to attract such a variety of experts willing to dedicate their time to this important endeavor.”

Current volunteers explain the value of serving on a RadSite committee—especially as it pertains to their role in advancing imaging standards and patient safety industry-wide.

“It has been rewarding to support a program that helps imaging facilities improve their quality and safety,” said Mark Hiatt, MD, radiologist and member of the RadSite Standards Committee. “RadSite identifies emerging trends in imaging to ensure they are addressed by its accreditation programs.”

Another committee member, Stephen Permison, MD, is the former medical director for the National Practitioner Data Bank. “My participation in several RadSite Committees over the years has given me the opportunity to directly shape best practices to help ensure patients in communities across the nation receive high quality and safe imaging,” he said.

To learn more about volunteering for one of RadSite’s advisory committees or to nominate a professional, please email name, contact information, and a brief biography to Julie Irons at info@radsitequality.com or call (443) 440-6007.

To learn more about RadSite, visit http://www.radsitequality.com. To learn more about RadSite’s complimentary webinars, click here.


About RadSite™ (http://www.RadSiteQuality.com)

Founded in 2005, RadSite’s mission is to promote quality-based practices for imaging systems across the U.S. and its territories. RadSite is recognized by the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) as an official accreditation organization under the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA) of 2008. RadSite’s programs help assess, track, and report imaging trends in an effort to enhance imaging procedures and outcomes. RadSite also offers educational programs, publishes issue briefs, and underwrites research on a complimentary basis to raise awareness of patient safety issues and to promote best practices. The organization is governed by an independent board and committee system, which is open to a wide range of volunteers to ensure transparency and accountability. To learn more about RadSite, please contact us at (443) 440-6007 or info@radsitequality.com.

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