R3 Medical Training Now Allowing Complimentary Admin with Each Paid Attendee

Best stem cell training course

Bring a Free Admin to the R3 Stem Cell Training Courses in 2020! Call (888) 998-6343

Not only do we offer attendees the opportunity to perform real procedures on real patients, but also our expert trainers give presentations on sales/marketing, biologics, supplements and more. Administrators will love the content!

R3 Medical Training is now offering each paid provider the opportunity to bring a free administrator along to any two day stem cell training course. This includes either the Comprehensive Stem Cell Training Course or the Regenerative Aesthetics Training Course.

Each stem cell course involves hands on procedures, which is the best way to learn the skill set for injections, IV procedures, nebulizer and intranasal options. In addition, the regenerative aesthetics procedures include stem cells and exosomes for hair restoration, facial rejuvenation and sexual health.

Why bring an administrator to the course? According to R3 Medical Training CEO David Greene, MD, MBA, “Not only do we offer attendees the opportunity to perform real procedures on real patients, but also our expert trainers give presentations on sales/marketing, biologics, supplements and more. This is vital information not only for providers, but also administrators to help with treating patients better!”

Each course offers an immersive experience so that providers gain a new skill set that is immediately useful in practice. For the comprehensive stem cell course, this includes injection protocols, IV therapies, intranasal and nebulizer as well. For the regenerative aesthetics course, providers learn all about PDO thread lift procedures, PRP and stem cell hair restoration, along with sexual health procedures and facial procedures.

In addition, providers can receive $500 off either two day stem cell course by using the code R3FIVE with an online registration. The courses for March 11-14th, 2020 are taking place at Westin Lake Las Vegas.

To learn more about the courses, simply visit https://r3medicaltraining.com or call (888) 998-6343.

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