PRI Makes Strides Towards Clearer Manuka Honey Labeling & Testing Transparency With a Whole New Look

Manuka Honey jars with new honey drip labels

PRI Manuka Honey’s All New Look

Manuka Honey Label-reading just got easier

Customers don’t have hours to spend researching everything. After months of deliberation, and gathering feedback from loyal customers PRI is excited to announce that they are moving to a quick and easy rating system that will help customers be able to understand their honey at-a-glance.

In June 2022, P.R.I. will be moving to a single-number MGO on the label, and a scannable QR code (for those of who crave all the juicy details about what’s in their jar.)

“We believe making a purchase shouldn’t require hours of research! To that end, the PRI team has long been in discussion to find the best way to label our Manuka Honey strengths in a clear and transparent manner. As the original importer of manuka honey to the U.S., we have used the standard rating systems originally used by all, to differentiate the strengths of Manuka.

However, over the years, our understanding of what makes manuka honey unique has expanded tremendously & testing and regulations have evolved along with that knowledge. MGO has now become a standard around the world for labeling the strengths of Manuka Honey. Our first step was to introduce the MGO level on our labels, putting this next to our original rating numbers. We hoped this would help customers in the transition and be able to easily compare our Manuka to that of the newer Manuka companies that have popped up over the last few years. Over the last 6 months, we have been gathering feedback from our customers and other experts in the field, and we decided to relaunch our Manuka range with just 1 number – MGO. Additionally, we are giving our customers a way to easily access test results for each batch of manuka honey we sell via a QR code* right on the label. Simply scan the code with your phone for all the details about your honey!”

~ Kristy (CFO of P.R.I.)

*Click here to learn about MGO and how to read test results.

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