PR Lifeline to NYC Performers, Small Businesses

There is a moral obligation to bolster affected performing artists and the independent venues that feature them

n this time of Covid-19 and the shuttered bars, venues and community spaces in its wake, New Masses Media Public Relations is offering limited free marketing and public relations to all affected New York City small businesses and artists. With such uncertainty about the novel coronavirus and the length of such closures, the firm is availing itself to aid in the effort of keeping professional identities afloat. The firm has stated that there is a moral obligation to bolster affected performing artists and the independent venues that feature them, as well as unrelated small businesses in the wider community.

The marketing/public relations aid will include social media, the creation of sizzle reels (video imagery) and brand polishing, to commence immediately and continue as needed. Such campaigns will conclude on May 17, 2020 at which time New Masses Media will reevaluate the needs and effectiveness of each. The impact that the current climate will have on artists unable to perform in venues can be devastating and the closures will have a similar impact on the independent performance spaces, taverns and bars. The firm, with its mission, “Classic PR, Contemporary Spin”, has a history of working within the creative community, non-profit organizations and events toward the greater good. Interested parties should be in touch with Laurie Towers

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