Pittcon Announces 72nd Annual Installment of the Analytical Chemistry Conference as a virtual event to be held, March 8-12, 2021


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Pittcon is adapting to an ever-changing, albeit somewhat uncertain, world. Pittcon 2021, the 72nd annual installment of the analytical chemistry conference and exposition, will be held as a virtual event, March 8–12, 2021.

The Pittcon 2021 organizing committee wanted to make certain the show’s attendees and exhibitors – the very people who comprise the international science community – had access to the same dynamic exposition and technical programming available at an in-person Pittcon. This virtual installment of Pittcon may look different, though it is being deliberately engineered to offer all the benefits associated with a face-to-face show, adapted to a virtual environment.

“Our decision process, our research, led us to attend a multitude of other virtual shows,” states Pittcon 2021 President, Dr. Neal Dando. “We wanted to see what worked and what did not. We talked to our exhibitors, sent out surveys to our thousands of attendees, and most important of all, we listened.”

The mission of the Pittcon committee and staff is not only to present Pittcon 2021 as a different event from what Pittcon usually has been, but also to present a virtual show that is different from other virtual shows.

“Our intent has never been to simply turn a face-to-face show into a virtual one, but instead, to create a completely new virtual version of Pittcon. We owe that to our exhibitors, our attendees, and all the participants in our technical programming,” says Dr. Dando.

Pittcon has contracted with LabRoots, the leading virtual platform provider, to present the 2021 installment of its conference and exposition.

“LabRoots provides the best combination of what our exhibitors want to support their investment with us and addresses what our attendees want to keep them interested and engaged,” states Dr. Dando. “Virtual Pittcon 2021 will make it easy for exhibitors to connect and match with attendees from all over the world. It will allow attendees to focus on our technical programming, networking opportunities, and the instrumentation and services our exhibitors offer. Our virtual event will be vastly more than a customizable experience for all participants.”

“We are delighted to host and produce “Virtual Pittcon 2021″ via our platform,” said Greg Cruikshank, Chief Executive Officer of LabRoots. “Our profound commitment of providing educational content in the virtual learning space and continued efforts to create pathways to enrichment for attendees, are more important than ever; and having this opportunity to capture and share the Pittcon values, history and tradition while showcasing scientific advances and laboratory instrumentation is very exciting!”

Attendee registration for Pittcon 2021 opens January 5, 2021. Many exhibitors have already registered for the event, and virtual booth space is available until January 29, 2021. The Pittcon 2021 technical program has accepted its keynote speakers and symposia lecturers, with contributed session and poster session applications accepted until January 18, 2021.

Pittcon advances and enriches scientific endeavor by connecting scientists worldwide, facilitating the exchange of research and ideas, showcasing the latest in laboratory innovation, and funding science education and outreach. Visit pittcon.org for more details on Pittcon’s activities, values, and impact. Pittcon: Catalyzing a world of collaborative science.

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LabRoots is the leading scientific social networking website, and primary source for scientific trending news and premier educational virtual events and webinars and more. Contributing to the advancement of science through content sharing capabilities, LabRoots is a powerful advocate in amplifying global networks and communities. Founded in 2008, LabRoots emphasizes digital innovation in scientific collaboration and learning. Offering articles and webcasts that go beyond the mundane and explore the latest discoveries in the world of science, LabRoots users can stay atop of their field by gaining continuing education credits from a wide range of topics through their participation in the webinars and virtual events.

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