PAINWeekEnd in Charleston, South Carolina, Offers CE/CME Education to Address the Opioid Abuse Public Health Crisis

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As more and more of the fog is lifted from the opioid crisis that we face as a nation, it is extremely important for healthcare professionals to stay abreast of best practices in pain management…

PAINWeekEnd on November 16 at the Charleston Marriott, 170 Lockwood Blvd., in South Carolina, will be an educational and exciting program providing busy clinicians and allied healthcare practitioners with 6.0 hours of relevant, practical instruction in the management of chronic pain.

Charleston County, South Carolina, had the 3rd highest amount of pain medications dispensed in the entire country from 2006 to 2012. During that span, South Carolina dispensed almost 2 billion opioid pills. Where do healthcare professionals even begin to attempt to improve patient care, and ultimately save lives? At PAINWeekEnd, faculty member Mark Garofoli, PharmD, MBA, BCGP, CPE, will present Pain Management at Ground Zero. He states, “As more and more of the fog is lifted from the opioid crisis that we face as a nation, it is extremely important for healthcare professionals to stay abreast of best practices in pain management in order to prevent the countless speedbumps (such as limited time and patient mindsets) from swaying one away from improving patient care. I look forward to helping PAINWeekEnd attendees wrap their minds around the vast amount of information, and misinformation, within not only the ‘opioid crisis’ but the War on Drugs overall as we know it, or think we know it.” Dr. Garofoli will also present Thug Drugs, a rapid-fire review of dozens of common substances of abuse.

Other course topics to be offered at PAINWeekEnd Charleston include The Gang that Couldn’t Shoot Straight: Reconsidering the CDC Guideline; Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathic Pain: Evaluating Treatment Options; Migraines and More; and Osteoarthritis Pain: Past, Present, and Future.

Commercially supported activities—addressing a range of product, disease state, and medical information topics—will also be presented.

For more information about this or other regional conferences, and to register for $129, go to the PAINWeekEnd website. BONUS: PAINWeekEnd registrants may register for the 2020 PAINWeek National Conference, September 8-12, in Las Vegas, for $200 off the regular online published price.

PAINWeekEnd is provided by Global Education Group. About Global Education Group:

Global Education Group focuses on producing partnership-based CME for healthcare practitioners. The Global team works with a select group of medical education companies, associations, academic institutions and healthcare facilities to develop and accredit live healthcare conferences and workshops as well as online activities. With each partnership or joint providership, Global brings accreditation expertise, project management excellence and grant funding intelligence. Based in Littleton, Colo., Global has accreditation with commendation from the ACCME. Global also holds accreditations to offer continuing education for nurses, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, dietitians, dentists and psychologists. Global is a division of Ultimate Medical Academy.

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