OSDB Partners with Big Al Taking the Next Step in the Venture and Offering Sports Handicapping


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Online Sports Database or OSDB was founded in 2021 by future hall-of-fame quarterback Aaron Rodgers and current CEO and actor Ryan Rottman. The goal of OSDB was simple; to create an extensive database detailing the lives of professional athletes with unprecedented granularity. OSDB prides themselves on the amount of detail and comprehensive nature with which they cover high-profile professional athletes and teams. Each athlete on OSDB has their own profile on which fans can find out more about their personal lives like their hobbies, interests, endorsement deals and ventures outside of their athletic ones, and even their charitable works and initiatives.

Despite being founded by an NFL quarterback, OSDB isn’t a football-exclusive database. Currently OSDB features complete databases across the NFL, NBA, MLB, and MLS. Additionally, they’re working on adding more sports to their platform as well. Beyond these databases and player-profiles, OSDB also produces original editorial content that celebrates athletes for all they do on and off the field.

Recently OSDB took a big step forward by taking advantage of an opportunity to partner with one of the most well-established names in the world of sports betting, Big Al. BigAl.com is partnering with OSDB to offer sports handicapping.

The partnership has OSDB CEO, Ryan Rottman absolutely thrilled for the future of OSDB, “We’re really excited to partner with Big Al. Al has a solid, reliable presence with a lot of integrity which is key in the handicapping space. His transparency, knowledge of sports and track record make him one of the best in the business.”

The partnership between OSDB and BigAl.com brings about a new era of sports-content that will forever change the way fans consume sport and sport-betting content.

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