Newly Released, “The New Strong” Collection of Online Workshops. Leading Edge of Energy Spirituality

Just released on 8-17-20 at the Rose Rosetree website, New Strong Collection of Workshops comes from a thought leader with a proven track record. Now this innovative workshop can lead becoming so much stronger.

At the leading edge of Energy Spirituality, these workshops explain how to best adjust to life in the Age of Awakening. Granted, more people remember hype from 2012…. Afterward, most people felt disappointed. They even felt cheated.

What didn’t they know, according to Rosetree? How there really was a worldwide Shift on December 21, 2012.

Since then, Rosetree has played a leadership role in pointing out new problems –and new solutions – for living in this Age of Awakening. Using precision skills she’s developed as a world-renowned expert at energetic literacy.

Knowledge in these new workshops can help you to grow extra fast, with personal growth and spiritual awakening. (Yes, even during this time of coronavirus pandemic.)

Already Rosetree has made her mark as a thought leader by obtaining 10 trademarks, winning teaching awards, and having two of her books selected by a major book club (One Spirit, a division of the Book-of-the-Month Club).

According to this teacher, “I’ve had the privilege of introducing the world to many totally new systems for Self Improvement. But this new set of online workshops is special. The last time I felt this way about bringing important knowledge into the world happened in 2003. When I wrote the first book about Empath Empowerment®.” That launched an entire field. For instance, Amazon now sells 4,000 books for empaths.

Even though Rosetree is located in Virginia, you can feel like you’ve got the world’s expert right in your home. Just as close as your computer or mobile phone.

How can living The New Strong help you to gain a stronger career? Stronger relationships? And a stronger sense of self?

To answer that question — learn more about the new workshop — check out The New Strong Free Intro at Rose Rosetree’s website.

Or interview Rosetree, a veteran of 1,000+ media interviews. Her work has been praised in The Washington Post, The Washington Times, The Los Angeles Times, and The Catholic Standard.

Couldn’t you use more strength — even more inspiration — during this coronavirus pandemic?

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