New Stay Metrics Research Finds Top 5 Reasons Drivers Make Referrals

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The results of our latest research project highlight the aspects of work that most influence a driver’s decision to refer their carrier to another driver.

Stay Metrics, the leading provider of driver retention tools for motor carriers, announces new research identifying the top 5 reasons why drivers will make referrals within the first 90 days on the job.

“Attracting new drivers is difficult across the trucking industry, making referrals from current drivers more important than ever,” said Allyson Smith, a Stay Metrics data analyst who compiled the list. “The results of our latest research project highlight the aspects of work that most influence a driver’s decision to refer their carrier to another driver.”

To create the report, Stay Metrics analyzed responses from all questions in the Early Experiences Survey, one of several driver lifecycle survey products the company administers for trucking clients using its Stay Ahead™ platform.

Driver responses to the survey questions were compared to their Net Promoter Score (NPS)®, a measurement of company loyalty that directly asks how likely they are to recommend their carrier.

The top 5 questions identified as having the most influence on drivers’ willingness to recommend their carrier (or not) came from responses to “How satisfied are you with…”:

1. The compensation you receive from your carrier?

2. Your carrier’s wait time/detention pay?

3. The number of miles you typically drive in a week?

4. Your communication with your carrier?

5. Your level of work-related stress?

The first three questions relate to pay issues. The fourth and fifth relate to the impact of communication on a driver’s work experience, explained Tim Hindes, Co-Founder and CEO of Stay Metrics.

“The way these three issues relate to one another suggests that the overall system of work and the communication that surrounds it are the main catalysts for drivers’ willingness to recommend their carriers,” he said. “Accurate communication by carriers, especially about pay, is essential to positively impact driver opinions.”

As part of the report, Stay Metrics also performed a word cloud analysis that identifies how often drivers mentioned specific words in their survey comments. The results further validate communication as a key factor in reducing the number of detractors (drivers who are not willing to recommend their carrier).

Anyone can review the full, free report on the Stay Metrics website, which reveals the top 5 reasons drivers recommend their carriers after 90 days, along with the best recommendations by Stay Metrics analysts for how to maximize results.

Motor carriers also can supplement driver recruiting and retention efforts with the recent Stay Metrics report, “The Top 5 Areas to Watch with New-to-You Drivers,” showing why drivers leave their carriers within the first 90 days.

About Stay Metrics

Stay Metrics is a retention strategy firm. We’re passionate about partnering with transportation companies to help them increase driver retention and commitment. Our Stay Ahead™ platform amplifies your driver feedback. It encompasses our suite of driver lifecycle surveys and the Stay Metrics Reportal; which includes intervention opportunities, customizable reporting tools, and comparative industry data. In addition, our Driver Rewards platform gives carriers a custom-branded tool to sustain a driver-centric culture based on ongoing appreciation and engagement. The Stay Metrics’ team provides ongoing advice, insights, best-practice ideas, and industry-based research that supports our clients’ ongoing continuous improvement initiatives.

Stay Ahead of driver turnover. Stay Ahead of your competition. Stay Ahead with Stay Metrics.

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