Nash Family Dentistry Transforms Smiles in Jackson, MS with Porcelain Veneers and Smile Makeovers


Drs. Kenneth Nash and Jonathan Nash, Implant Dentists in Jackson, MS

Drs. Kenneth Nash and Jonathan Nash Provide Smile Makeovers to Jackson, MS

A smile makeover can literally change a person’s personality because their treatment has relieved that subconscious worry that something is wrong with their teeth.

Respected dentists, Drs. Kenneth Nash and Jonathan Nash, are transforming the lives of patients with flawed, incomplete or damaged smiles through smile makeovers in Jackson, MS. Porcelain veneers, dental implants and other cosmetic dentistry treatments are often part of a smile makeover, offering solutions to those who want to improve the look and function of their smiles.

“The first thing you notice when you encounter a person is their smile. Veneers improve the smile with minimal destruction or damage to the surrounding teeth,” says Dr. Kenneth Nash. “A smile makeover can literally change a person’s personality because their treatment has relieved that subconscious worry that something is wrong with their teeth or that someone has noticed them.”

A smile makeover can transform a person’s life by improving their self-confidence as well as their ability to use their mouth properly. Smile makeovers are composed of multiple cosmetic dentistry treatments that change the look, function and comfort of the teeth. Often, a smile makeover can take several appointments to reach the desired outcome, but once patients have completed all their treatments, their smile is drastically improved. Common treatments include:

  • Porcelain veneers
  • Dental implants
  • Teeth whitening
  • ClearCorrect orthodontics
  • Crowns and bridges

One of the most versatile smile makeover treatments offered is porcelain veneers. Typically used as a form of cosmetic dentistry, porcelain veneers are thin “masks” for the front of the teeth that cover imperfections. The treatment for veneers is minimal and no damage occurs to surrounding teeth. Veneers can be used to fill gaps between teeth, improve the color of stained teeth, correct crooked or misaligned teeth or improve the appearance of teeth that are cracked, chipped or worn down. The procedure takes only two appointments and patients can have a healthy and attractive smile again.

Those interested in learning more about smile makeovers, porcelain veneers, or other cosmetic dentistry treatments available in the Jackson, MS area are encouraged to contact Nash Family Dentistry for a consultation at their Vicksburg, MS practice. Appointments can be made by visiting or by calling 601-634-1812.

About the Dentists

Nash Family Dentistry is a general practice offering personalized dental care for patients in Vicksburg, MS. Dr. Kenneth Nash, Dr. Jonathan Nash and their team provide patients with the latest in dental technology in a comfortable and welcoming environment. Drs. Nash offer a variety of services including laser dentistry, dental implants, and cosmetic dentistry services, among others. To learn more about the services offered at Nash Family Dentistry please visit the website at or call 601-634-1812 to schedule an appointment.

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