NAELA Joins Other Organizations Opposing Immunity Waivers


The loss of life in nursing homes is horrific and immunity waivers would continue this harm, including preventing family members that have lost loved ones from using the law to hold nursing homes accountable for sub-standard care.

The National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) recognizes the tragedy of nursing home resident deaths since COVID-19 and the importance of holding nursing homes accountable for the care they provide to residents. There is currently a lack of incentive for nursing homes to improve conditions if they avoid liability for sub-standard care.

Along with other organizations, NAELA has opposed any blanket immunity that would waive liability for nursing homes related to negligent or inadequate care during this pandemic.

“The loss of life in nursing homes is horrific and immunity waivers would continue this harm, including preventing family members that have lost loved ones from using the law to hold nursing homes accountable for sub-standard care,” said NAELA President Wendy Cappelletto, Esq., CAP.

NAELA understands that legal liability is an essential safeguard for ensuring that nursing home residents receive quality care and that family members have a means of redress where the resident was harmed and died from poor care. NAELA will continue to work with other organizations in opposing both federal and state immunity waivers.

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Members of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) are attorneys who are experienced and trained in working with the legal problems of aging Americans and individuals of all ages with disabilities. Upon joining, NAELA member attorneys agree to adhere to the NAELA Aspirational Standards. Established in 1987, NAELA is a non-profit association that assists lawyers, bar organizations, and others. The mission of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys is to educate, inspire, serve, and provide community to attorneys with practices in elder and special needs law. NAELA currently has members across the United States, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom. For more information, visit, or to locate a NAELA member attorney in your area, visit

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