MONKEY.COM—Domain Name Exclusively Available from Name Experts LLC

Name Experts LLC

According to .com domain name expert Joe Uddeme, “ is a world-recognized brand with major upside potential across verticals and niches, and is a primed accelerant for a new business leader with global reach.”

Name Experts LLC., a boutique .COM domain name brokerage firm, announces the exclusive representation of the super-premium, global domain asset, (MONKEY dot com). Name Experts has set an initial offer deadline of Friday, February 14, 2020. had been in continuous use since 1994 and is now being made available for your next global brand initiative. According to .com domain name expert Joe Uddeme, “ is a world-recognized brand with major upside potential across verticals and niches, and is a primed accelerant for a new business leader with global reach.”

On average, the keyword “MONKEY” receives over 300,000search results per month; with decent CPC and a rich backlink profile. Uses for this global, beachfront real estate include: Technology, Media, Finance, Health, Ecommerce and many others.

Terms of Sale:

This is a domain-name-only acquisition. Please consult for historical sales pricing. All transactions will close using and will require an executed contract by all parties. For timely consideration, offers must be submitted in writing addressed to this email.

For additional information on the bidding process, including minimum bid requirements—please click here.

About Name Experts LLC.

Name Experts LLC., is a full-service domain acquisition and divestment with more than $75mm in sales for their clients. Name Experts offers complete expert valuations, market comparisons and stealth-acquisition services. We specialize in end-user domain acquisitions, and work tirelessly to deliver exceptional results without false promises. For a free analysis, and an honest assessment of your Premium Domain(s), please contact Name Experts LLC., today to learn more.

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