Mediaplanet and Healthcare Experts Team Up to Spotlight Important Health and Safety Tools This Flu Season

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The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that influenza claims the lives of between 12,000 and 61,000 annually and a shocking 80,000 in 2017.

As flu season continues, Mediaplanet today announces the launch of this December’s edition of “Fighting the Flu.” This campaign spotlights the dangers of the influenza virus, which is extremely common and, in some cases, deadly. Healthcare experts and other advocates point to key steps to prevent the flu, especially among children, as well as how to care for those who are ill.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that influenza claims the lives of between 12,000 and 61,000 annually and a shocking 80,000 in 2017. Some experts say an influenza pandemic in the future is possible, which is why researchers are working hard to create new and more effective treatments to fight the illness. In the meantime, experts across the board urge everyone who can get the influenza vaccine, as it is the single best defense there is against the virus. Experts also advise washing hands often and thoroughly with soap and water, disinfecting all surfaces, and avoiding contact with the nose, eyes, and mouth.

The print component of “Fighting the Flu” is distributed within today’s edition of USA Today in Chicago, Los Angeles, Boston, South Florida, New York, and Washington DC/Baltimore markets, with a circulation of approximately 200,000 copies and an estimated readership of 600,000. The digital component is distributed nationally, through a vast social media strategy, and across a network of top news sites and partner outlets. To explore the digital version of the campaign, visit:

The family of a young mother who lost her life after a weeks-long battle with an aggressive strain of flu virus, shares her story within the publication, in the hopes their tragedy will encourage others to take important prevention steps. Kendra Mann-O’Brien was a healthy mother of two when she caught the virus, which progressed rapidly and, despite life-saving efforts, eventually claimed her life. Her mother, Joan, is now an outspoken advocate for the flu vaccine, which is the single best way to prevent the spread of the illness and its associated complications.

Online, celebrity doctor, Dr. Oz, shares his best tips for flu prevention and care. In addition to getting the vaccine and regularly washing hands, Dr. Oz advises making healthy choices to strengthen and support the immune system. “Sleeping for seven to nine hours a night is a good way to do this, since sleep is an important regulator of immune function,” he says, continuing, “Eating lots of fruits and vegetables and other foods rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6, and vitamin E will also help your immune system.”

This campaign was made possible with the support of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Families Fighting Flu, National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, American Hospital Association, American Heart Association, American Red Cross, Healthline, Commonwealth Care Alliance, National PTA, American Lung Association, American Academy of Pediatrics,, Consumer Healthcare Products Association, American Pharmacists Association, Medical News Today,, Dr. Oz, Luden’s, Chloraseptic, CleanWell, Nissin Foods, Carmex, and Dollar Tree.

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Kevin Duke

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