Kwokman Diagnostics to Provide Rapid Assessment Devices for COVID-19 Testing with Baseline Global Investment


Our investment in Baseline ensures both early access to their technology and allows for collaboration between what our clients want and what Baseline is developing.

Kwokman Diagnostics today announced an investment to Baseline Global. This investment will allow Kwokman Diagnostics to offer leading COVID-19 testing technology to all clients. Baseline Global is developing a patented Rapid Assessment Device (RAD) which uses biomarkers to early detect health conditions, including COVID-19.

Benefits of Using a RAD Include:

  • Easy-to-use
  • Results within minutes
  • Disposable
  • At-home assessment
  • Affordable
  • Non-invasive

“As our company looks to implement rapid, self-contained tests, we have found that Baseline’s Rapid Assessment Device and the suite of assays that they are developing have tremendous value to the point-of-care (POC) diagnostic community,” says Matt Kwok, Kwokman Diagnostics founder. “Our investment in Baseline ensures both early access to their technology and allows for collaboration between what our clients want and what Baseline is developing,” Matt continues.

During this investment, it is noted Kwokman Diagnostic founders, Mark and Matt Kwok, will sit on the board of Baseline Global. With existing knowledge in COVID-19 testing, the Kwokman Diagnostics team will provide experience, networking opportunities, and fulfillment processes.

“Baseline feels Kwokman Diagnostics has the perfect business platform to generate awareness and the availability of our patented universal rapid assessment device to diverse and important market segments,” states Mike O’Donnell, Chief Operating Officer of Baseline Global.

About Rapid Assessment Devices

According to Baseline Global scientists, saliva is proven to be an effective method of prognosis, diagnosis, assessment and monitoring of patients with many health-related conditions. RAD utilizes lateral flow technology consisting of six steps to provide easy-to-read results within minutes. This allows for convenient use at point-of-care, at-home, or anywhere. Specifically, for COVID-19, research suggests lateral flow technology could be effective at detecting up to 90% of people that are highly infectious; according to the Public Health of England.

Combining the science of Baseline Global and RADs with the operations and services of Kwokman Diagnostics a perfect synergy and next step for both companies.

“Sharing clear synergies and strategically compatible goals, we are delighted Kwokman Diagnostics has invested in our company and look forward to a growing and successful relationship with them,” Dr. Lenny Kristal, Baseline Global founder, mentions.

Kwokman Diagnostics’ existing reputation of providing quick and effective COVID-19 testing solutions to production sets, workplaces, events, and more will continue to increase as new technology and assessment options are developed by Baseline Global. The use of RADs decrease the need for medical supervision when conducting a COVID-19 test, allowing for additional distribution opportunities and greater accessibility.

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