Introducing The Only Oral Care Brand With Activated Zinc Ions

SmartMouth Oral Care | THINK ZINC

SmartMouth’s Resident Dentist and ADA Member Dr. Elizabeth Clary affirms, “Nothing works better than SmartMouth’s Activated Zinc Ion Technology.”

Disruptive oral care company, SmartMouth, makers of the patented 24 hour mouth rinse, announced today their latest innovation to hit the oral care category. In recent weeks, consumers across the globe seem to have one thing on the brain: Zinc. No better time to introduce current and potential consumers to the first ever Activated Zinc, which can only be found in the SmartMouth suite of oral care rinses.

The mouth is the gateway to the body. “Your body can affect your mouth and likewise, your mouth can affect your body,” says Pamela McClain, DDS, president of the American Academy of Periodontology. “Taking good care of your teeth and gums can really help you live well longer.”

According to The Mayo Clinic, studies suggest that oral bacteria and the inflammation associated with severe gum disease, or periodontitis, may play a role in some diseases. In order to prevent this, The Mayo Clinic suggests practicing good oral hygiene on a daily basis, including the use of mouthwash to remove food particles left after brushing and flossing.

SmartMouth’s suite of Activated Oral Rinses deliver oral health benefits through their patented two solution system with Zinc Ion Technology.

SmartMouth is the only mouthwash that contains Activated Zinc Ions. When the two SmartMouth solutions are combined, billions of activated Zinc Ions are released which bind to the bacteria in the mouth, inhibiting the bacteria’s ability produce stinky sulfur gas, the real cause of bad breath, for 12 hours with every rinse.

SmartMouth’s Resident Dentist and ADA Member Dr. Elizabeth Clary affirms, “Nothing works better than SmartMouth’s Activated Zinc Ion Technology.”

Zinc not only disrupts bacteria in the mouth, according to The National Institutes of Health, when Zinc is administered as a lozenge or Zinc-containing syrup that temporarily “sticks” in the mouth and throat, allowing Zinc to make contact with rhinovirus in those areas, several studies have found Zinc to significantly reduce the duration of cold symptoms, including cough, nasal discharge and muscle aches. Additionally, a Cochrane review concluded that “Zinc (lozenges or syrup) is beneficial in reducing the duration and severity of the common cold in healthy people, when taken within 24 hours of onset of symptoms.”

For a healthier state of the mouth, THINK ZINC. Think SmartMouth.

About SmartMouth Oral Health Laboratories

SmartMouth Oral Health Laboratories manufactures and markets SmartMouth branded mouthwash, toothpaste and mints through national retailers and online. Headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, SmartMouth has been working to eliminate and prevent bad breath since 1993.

To learn more about SmartMouth Activated Oral Rinses, please visit:

To view SmartMouth’s “How it Works” video, please visit:

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