Insurance Agent Joseph Norena Gives Top Tips to Drivers on Post-Accident Essentials

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A traffic accident report is a detailed account of the accident, taken down at a time when all facts and circumstances were fresh in the memories of those involved. This becomes invaluable if the parties proceed to court.

Automobile accidents are, unfortunately, commonplace, yet many people don’t know what to do following an accident. Fortunately, there are ways to ensure drivers don’t mess up their auto accident case.

To educate drivers on post-accident essentials, Norena, of Bridge Norena & Associates Insurance Agency, lists the following four tips:

No. 1: Get a police report. It is essential that the attending officer completes a traffic accident report, which provides the cornerstone for evidence in court. “Eventually, you will need to submit information and evidence to an insurance company, the other party, and, possibly, the court,” noted Norena. “A traffic accident report is a detailed account of the accident, taken down at a time when all facts and circumstances were fresh in the memories of those involved. This becomes invaluable if the parties proceed to court.”

No. 2: Seek medical attention. It is imperative to seek appropriate medical attention after an accident. “Failure to receive medical treatment could damage your auto accident claim,” stressed Norena. “The failure to promptly obtain medical attention can result in causation and evidence issues down the road. An insurance company will closely review your medical treatment after an accident, and gaps indicate the need to ask further questions or deduct a certain amount of funds from the claim amount.”

No. 3: Contact your insurance agent and file a claim. Be 100% honest. Insurance policies have language that include that the policyholder has a duty to notify the insurance carrier of a claim as soon as possible. When completing insurance paperwork and forms, one must be upfront and truthful about all information provided. “Any dishonesty could result in the denial of a claim or the cancellation of a policy,” stated Norena.

No. 4: Refrain from discussing the accident. There are certain forums where discussing one’s accident could be detrimental to their case. “You should not provide a statement and account of the accident to an insurance company until talking to a lawyer,” claimed Norena. “All information you provide to an insurance company will be analyzed and questioned.”

About Bridge Norena & Associates Insurance Agency

Bridge Norena & Associates is a family owned and operated insurance agency that provides a number of diverse insurance products to various types of state-licensed facilities within California. Its insurance services include package policies, business auto, workers’ compensation, student accident, special events and more. For more information, please call (818) 225-1627, or visit The office is located at 23875 Ventura Blvd., Suite 103, Calabasas, CA 91302.

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