“In Depth” with Laurence Fishburne Program Covers Caring For Patients with Chronic Conditions


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People with chronic diseases need more than a diagnosis and prescriptions – they need a person-centered approach where they feel their preferences, values, and needs are considered, along with clinical decisions.

Prolific actor Laurence Fishburne gained widespread acclaim for his gripping performances in the Tina Turner biopic “What’s Love Go To Do With It (1993)” and “Hoodlum (1997).” Now the award-winning actor is hosting an educational segment for the program “In Depth” with Laurence Fishburne. The informational television program showcases industry experts to discuss a variety of topics that affect people all over the country. A new episode will take a plunge into the medical field. Medical professionals will discuss how to provide proper care for patients experiencing chronic health conditions.

Nearly 50 percent of all adults have one or more chronic health conditions, and one of four adults have at least two or more chronic health conditions. Long-term illnesses like heart disease, stroke, and cancer are the leading cause of mortality rates worldwide. Despite alarming figures, the healthcare system lacks the structure to handle chronic illness adequately.

People with chronic diseases need more than a diagnosis and prescriptions – they need a person-centered approach where they feel their preferences, values, and needs are considered, along with clinical decisions. Increasing numbers of medical professionals are becoming aware of this need and are formulating ways to treat patients with their personal needs in mind. “In Depth” will explore more about how to go about caring for people with chronic health conditions in the upcoming episode.

“In Depth” with Laurence Fishburne is cautiously inspected before revealed to a public audience. The informational show has received numerous accolades for its endeavors.

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