Improved Pharma expands services and hits major milestones in 2019

Looking forward to 2020, research will involve improving the detectability of amorphous domains in solid samples via a collaboration with Purdue University’s TEM facilities.

2019 was another great year for Improved Pharma LLC, highlighted by a highly successful AAPS meeting and several internal advances in our problem-solving capabilities. At the AAPS, the Improved Pharma booth was grouped with other formulation companies and was able to establish several contacts and initial collaborations. Improved Pharma was near Hovione, experts in spray drying, and Biddle Sawyer, suppliers of some exciting new excipients. Improved Pharma presented a poster and a Rapid Fire presentation on its Synchrotron methods.

  • Formulation – The most interesting formulation project this year involved re-formulating a drug product to vastly increase the solubility. The work, still on-going, has already resulted in newly filed Intellectual Property for the client.
  • Synchrotron X-ray problem solving and analysis – Several projects this year utilized synchrotron technology. Most projects focused on PDF work or the detection of low amounts of polymorphic contaminants, but there was also a project needing to detect low amounts of amorphous material in a highly crystalline sample. Improved Pharma continues to develop this methodology and is pushing the capabilities even further
  • Analytical Testing – There is always a need for analytical testing, and Improved Pharma continues to expand their capabilities through a combination of resources at Purdue and the acquisition of key pieces of equipment
  • Solving pharmaceutical problems – The most interesting projects are those requiring outside-the-box thinking. It’s not uncommon to have unexpected results during drug development, and sometimes it can be a challenge to fully understand the results, what caused them, and how they can be improved. These projects continue to be some of the most rewarding projects Improved Pharma undertakes, as it is the key to innovations, new intellectual property, and reduced time to market.
  • Research – Today’s problems could be better solved by tomorrow’s solutions. Improved Pharma has always believed that investing time and energy in the advancement of pharmaceutical sciences helps everyone to succeed. Research efforts in 2019 focused on the use of subtractions and new software tools to isolate and identify intramolecular and intermolecular API domains in solid dispersions.

Looking forward to 2020, research will involve improving the detectability of amorphous domains in solid samples via a collaboration with Purdue University’s TEM facilities. Another key area of research will involve collaboration with Dr. Richard Weber, President of Materials Development Inc. in Evanston, IL. This research will continue exploring the many ways “lab on a drop” using acoustic levitation can accelerate development and reduce time to IND by performing screens in just one or two days with very small amounts of material. These research efforts support Improved Pharma’s long-range strategies that rely on the concepts of accelerated development and quality by design. By utilizing problem solving and analytical capabilities, it is possible to develop formulations and methods that both accelerate development and build quality into a system.

We wish all our clients the best for 2020 and do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of assistance.

About Improved Pharma

Improved Pharma is a research and information company dedicated to improving pharmaceutical methods, formulations, and processes. Dr. Stephen Byrn and Sarah Byrn founded the company in 2006 after the successful acquisition of their first company, SSCI. Dr. Pamela Smith joined the company in 2018 after an 18-year tenure with SSCI. Improved Pharma offers services such as analytical testing, synchrotron-based formulation design, and expert consulting aiding the development and defense of intellectual property matters.

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