How About That! Launches First Ever Clean Keto Trail Mix

How About That! Keto friendly trail mix

“We got fed up with these new keto snacks entering the market that had tons of filler ingredients that were questionable” said Levani, the cofounder of the company.

How About That’s Sweet Trail Mix is a blend of keto approved nuts, unsweetened coconut and sugar free chocolate chips. How About That’s trail mix contains 17 grams of fat, 4 grams of protein and 3 grams of net carbs with zero added sugars. Unlike most trail mixes, The sweet variation is tossed with avocado oil and sea salt, making it the cleanest keto trail mix on the market.

The trail mix consists of only 9 ingredients, making it easier for consumers to understand what they are ingesting:

  • Pecans
  • Walnuts
  • No Sugar Added Milk Chocolate Pieces
  • Almonds
  • Brazil Nuts
  • Unsweetened Coconut
  • Hazelnuts
  • Sea Salt
  • Avocado Oil

“We got fed up with these new keto snacks entering the market that had tons of filler ingredients that were questionable,” said Levani, the cofounder of the company. “We wanted to create a snack that people felt good about eating and not having to worry whether it would raise their blood glucose levels or kick them out of ketosis,” he added.

At the moment, the trail mix can only be purchased through the How About That website, The company has plans to enter the retail market as well as being on the Amazon marketplace.

For any questions regarding the company and trail mix, you may contact

About How About That! Snack Company

How About That! was born after 3 years of analyzing the keto snack marketplace. 3 years ago, there were very few keto snacks that were readily available to the conscious consumer. Fast forward 3 years, there are now a plethora of products flooding the market, but not all of them are honest about being truly ketogenic friendly. How About That! plans to solve this issue by providing great tasting, clean keto friendly snacks that everyone can enjoy.

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