Hospital PUC-Campinas Celso Pierro joins Patient Network Explorer, expanding Clinerion’s existing patient coverage in Brazil

Hospital PUC-Campinas Celso Pierro is a reference hospital in high-complexity care in Campinas, São Paulo, and surrounding regions, with 339 beds. The hospital runs clinical trials in cardiology, dermatology, endocrinology and haematology, among others.

By joining the Patient Network Explorer platform, patients at Hospital PUC-Campinas Celso Pierro will gain visibility when sponsors are seeking patient cohorts and selecting sites for clinical trials. Patient Network Explorer matches sponsors’ trial protocols to the anonymized EHR data of patients in Clinerion’s hospital network.

“The partnership with Clinerion and the implementation of the Patient Network Explorer system is very important for the Clinical Research Center of the Hospital PUC-Campinas because we believe that the system will increase the number of randomized patients in our clinical research studies in a short time,” says Dr. Danilo Villagelin, Director of the Clinical Research Center. “The field of clinical research studies is very competitive and we expect partnership with Clinerion to bring us great benefits in efficiency and efficacy of running trials.”

“iHealth, as a partner of Clinerion in Brazil, is determined to connect more and more reference research centers in Brazil, like the Hospital PUC-Campinas, attracting more clinical studies and financial resources to Brazilian institutions,” says Leonardo Nunes Alegre, COO of iHealth.

“Clinerion is determined to provide more treatment options to patients and their physicians in Brazil by bringing more international clinical trials to the country,” says Ian Rentsch, CEO of Clinerion. “Brazil is a vast country with vast possibilities for clinical research. Our expansion throughout the major metropolitan areas of the country demonstrates our commitment to both patients and the development of innovative medical interventions. We are proud to count Hospital PUC-Campinas Celso Pierro as a partner.”

About Clinerion

Clinerion accelerates clinical research and medical access to treatments for patients. We use proprietary technologies for analysis of patient data from our global network of partner hospitals. Clinerion’s Patient Network Explorer radically improves the efficiency and effectiveness of clinical trial recruitment by offering data-driven protocol optimization, site feasibility evaluation and real-time patient search and identification to match patients to treatments. Our technology solution provides real-world evidence analytics for medical access. Clinerion facilitates the participation of partner hospitals in leading-edge, industry-sponsored trials and time savings in patient recruitment. We create innovative and disruptive fit-for-purpose solutions which enable pharmaceutical companies to shorten patient recruitment and save costs by streamlining operations and leveraging strategic intelligence. Clinerion’s proprietary Big Data analytics technologies leverage real-time data from electronic health records which comply with international patient privacy and data security regulations. Clinerion is a global data technology service company headquartered in Switzerland.

Clinerion website:

Clinerion’s Patient Network Explorer:

For more information, please contact:

Le Vin Chin

Director, Head of Marketing & Communications

Clinerion Ltd

Elisabethenanlage 11, 4051 Basel, Switzerland

Tel.: +41 61 865 60 54

About iHealth Group

The iHealth Group has a multidisciplinary team focused on serving the health informatics industry. Our team has extensive experience in this topic, leading the process of computerization of more than 30 Brazilian hospitals. Digital health transformation will enable us to improve communication with our patients, optimize our queues, improve the safety of our processes, expand our planning capacity, reduce costs, eliminate waste and, especially, do evidence-based management. However, we must understand that it is not the technology, but strategic management that will guide us correctly to the computerization of our health processes. IT cannot be a strategic goal, but an instrument to achieve a goal.

iHealth Group website:

For more information, please contact:

Leonardo Nunes Alegre

iHealth Group

Tel.: 55 51 9 9192-9222

About Hospital PUC-Campinas Celso Pierro

Hospital PUC-Campinas Celso Pierro website:

For more information, please contact:

Crislaine Gava

Hospital PUC-Campinas Celso Pierro

Av. John Boyd Dunlop, s/n° Jardim Ipaussurama, Campinas – SP – CEP: 13060-904, Brasil

Tel.: +55 (19) 3343-8332

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