Grateful Labs emerges from stealth, launching first-of-its-kind Gratitude Wall, A Street-Art Installation & Wellness Festival in Tel Aviv


Today, Grateful Labs emerges from stealth mode by launching its first ever “Gratitude Wall” focused on elevating well-being and improving mental health by creating a two-week wellness festival around a physical art installation in Tel Aviv’s central Habima Square. With the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbating record levels of depression, anxiety, and loneliness during the past few years, The Gratitude Wall was created to lift our spirits through two weeks of gratitude, art, music, and wellness practices. It will be live in Tel Aviv’s Habima Square from March 25th, 2022, to April 9th, 2022, with future walls to come in other global locations.

The Gratitude Wall is a visual street-art installation, as well as an invitation for us to celebrate what we are grateful for in our lives, and to remind us of that gratitude, as a way of life, unites us all and strengthens our social fabric. The landmark NIH gratitude study in 2010 helped establish gratitude practices as a scientifically proven method of improving mental, emotional, and physical health on an ongoing basis.

Throughout the installation of The Gratitude Wall, there is a full schedule of community-based events and activities including: live music, yoga, meditations, sound healing, and a host of other wellness-based practices. After this installation is complete, the wall will be turned into an NFT and become part of the foundation of the virtual House of Gratitude – a metaverse-based gratitude-themed healing center, accessible to those who have written on the wall & have claimed a fractional share of the NFT using their digital wallet. As Grateful Labs rolls out additional walls, the # of members in virtual House of Gratitude is expected to grow alongside the depth and breadth of content & experiences provided.

“Our entire Grateful Labs team is thrilled to help us transition from the bleakness of a pandemic reality to a happier, healthier time,” said Max Marine, CEO and Founder, Grateful Labs. “We’re using modern technology to build a global community of gratitude enthusiasts who motivate and inspire one another to focus on the good in our lives and leverage a variety of wellness practices to help us recognize and express appreciation for what we normally take for granted.”

Grateful Labs was founded in January 2022 as a response to the exploding global mental health crisis. The company plans to build a comprehensive portfolio of gratitude-based products and services, including a Grateful Giraffes NFT collection & eCommerce line, a subscription-based gratitude training platform, live workshops, events, retreats, public art installations, and to donate 10% of revenues to a community-run non-profit called The Grateful DAO.

Grateful Labs is supporting its mission by creating Grateful Giraffe NFTs, a digital art collection that it will sell on World Giraffe Day (June 21st). Grateful Giraffe NFT holders will get access to exclusive content & unique experiences and connect to a global community of gratitude enthusiasts passionate about making the world a more grateful place!

To learn more about Grateful Giraffes, check out our website:

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For more information on The Gratitude Wall visit our event page here:

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