Good Leads® Extends the “End of Year” Incentive Plan for Outsourced B2B Lead Generation Services

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Good Leads CEO Bob Good

The goal is to quickly fill our client’s sales pipeline in the fall such that they meet their annual target and get an early start on their 2020 revenue goals stated Bob Good CEO

Good Leads® is extending the “EOY” incentive plan with a 2 month offering and financing for outsourced B2B Lead Generation services. Good Leads will rapidly deploy a Strategic Strike inside sales team under their Prospect Builder® Program and extend delayed payments till the end of the contract term.

Using a proven process and knowledge of a client company, the Good Leads Strategic Strike Team will skillfully act as their inside sales team. Key features of the Build The Pipeline EOY incentive plan are customization of an ideal prospect contact database; rapid deployment of seasoned outbound calling business development professionals; short term program commitment that is scalable and extendable and a financial incentive of delayed payments on new programs.

The Good Leads “EOY” incentive plan is also applicable to their Sales Builder® Program and Event Builder™ Program, respectively, to drive fall sales or event attendance. And in all cases, the plan is backed by Good Leads’ signature guarantee and warranty to further protect and maximize client’s marketing and sales investment.

Good Leads CEO Bob Good stated, “Many companies are uncertain as to how to deal with the many marketing spend options. In extending the Good Leads ‘EOY’ plan, we are creating an incentive for our technology clients to finish the year with a pipeline of opportunities by offering a quick deployment of skilled business development resources and adding a delayed payment option to assist with cash flow. The goal is to quickly fill our client’s sales pipeline in the fall such that they get an early start on their 2020 revenue goals.”

About Good Leads:

Good Leads is a leading provider of outsourced business development services including qualified B2B lead generation, setting phone, face to face and web demo appointments specializing in enterprise software, healthcare IT, network security and product design & engineering software and design services. For 16 years, Good Leads has partnered with 450 domestic and international institutions, from high-tech to governmental agencies, to develop and implement a business development strategy as part of their integrated marketing plan.; 866 894-LEAD

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