Fresh Tri Provides Free Access to COVID-19 Habits and Resilience Solutions

Fresh Tri

Like never before, we are all having to create a bunch of new habits — food habits, stress reduction habits, health habits — as life gets upended and anxiety and stress overwhelm us.

Fresh Tri®, Inc., a fast-growth science-based technology platform, announced today that it is providing free access to resources that help individuals and organizations cope better and strengthen their health and well-being in response to the global COVID-19 crisis.

The company has adapted its mobile app, also called Fresh Tri, to add an integrated set of habits users can practice to specifically manage COVID-19-related issues. The Fresh Tri app was developed in conjunction with Walmart to help users lose weight and adopt healthy eating habits. Now, Fresh Tri is leveraging its Iterative Mindset™ behavior change methodology to offer habit practices around grocery shopping and storage, physical and mental health, sleep hygiene, healthy eating, sanitization, virtual living and workplace wellness. These new habits address significant disruptions to daily life by grounding users in new daily practices that are relevant and current to quickly build their new norms.

Fresh Tri’s in-app solutions also include live-streamed and on-demand, dietician- and physician-led mindset videos that deliver relevant, timely tips, habits and hacks to equip users with the tools they need to solve problems most efficiently in this new reality.

The new habit practices and the mindset videos are available in the free version of Fresh Tri, available in the App Store and GooglePlay.

In addition to these changes to the app, Fresh Tri is hosting a free webinar called “A New Normal” on April 21st, 9 a.m. PST / 12 p.m. EST, for health and well-being leaders to empower them with behavioral science insights and methods that support their employees in ways that meet this rapid change and emotional upheaval.

Finally, Fresh Tri is providing free access to its “Dr. Kyra Show: COVID-19 Leadership Series,” with Fresh Tri president CEO Kyra Bobinet, MD, MPH. In these short, weekly videos, Bobinet will review current events surrounding the pandemic and provide strategic insight on leadership and well-being that are essential to success right now.

“Like never before, we are all having to create a bunch of new habits — food habits, stress reduction habits, health habits — as life gets upended and anxiety and stress overwhelm us,” says Bobinet. “Our goal is to train people in the Iterative Mindset™ — a resilience-building behavior change method — that entails trying new behaviors and adapting them to your life. This specialized mindset has been proven to drive significant physical and emotional health outcomes in our research and studies. The Fresh Tri approach to helping people develop this mindset is unique but natural — based on how your brain changes your behavior.”

To download the Fresh Tri app, please visit the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. To sign up for the Live Webinar, please register here. For more information, visit


About FreshTri

Fresh Tri is a behavior change technology company with offerings focusing on mindset, practice and iteration that invite users to use the Iterative MindsetTM to test-drive healthy habits, removing the guesswork and feelings of failure that can often accompany lifestyle changes. Fresh Tri allows users to iterate their way to success. There is no “fail” — only practice and iteration. Fresh Tri uses a simple, positive approach based on the brain science of habit formation. Find out more about Fresh Tri:, Instagram, Facebook

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