Expert Dentists Can Help Patients Remotely to Distinguish Emergencies from Less Urgent Matters, says Dr. Sahar Verdi of Dental Specialists of California

Sahar Verdi, D.D.S.

If people do need to come it for an emergency treatment, they should rest easy that we always take every possible step to prevent the transmission of microbes.

A March 20 article on CDA provides the California Dental Association’s updated recommendations for dental treatments. The primary recommendation is that treatment should be restricted to emergency care until further notice. Board-certified periodontist Sahar Verdi, D.D.S. of Dental Specialists of California, says that the seriousness of the COVID-19/coronavirus crisis fully justifies this step. At the same time, people with dental or oral health issues should not hesitate to get in touch electronically with an oral health care specialist.

“Emergencies don’t always announce themselves clearly. People with extreme pain, of course, will usually seek out care immediately but other symptoms might make patients wonder whether or not their situation is truly urgent,” Dr. Verdi said. “As a board-certified periodontist and a specialist in multiple areas, I regularly deal with the most serious oral healthcare issues. The worst tooth problems usually impact or start in the gums, and serious gum issues can very often require the removal of one or more teeth – a poor outcome which is even worse than most people think it is,” Dr. Verdi added.

“People should even consider reaching out with what they see as fairly mild symptoms. Relatively moderate but very persistent pain is always cause for at least some concern. Also, bad breath that doesn’t go away is a common sign of gum disease,” said Dr. Verdi. “It might not seem like the worst symptom in a time of social distancing, but it is it a red flag that needs to at least be discussed. The same goes for bleeding gums – even a somewhat pink toothbrush shouldn’t be ignored,” said Dr. Verdi.

“I offer virtual consultations where I can talk with patients and often look at photos they’ve taken of their mouths. That way I can at least provide them with peace of mind if their issue is not so urgent,” says Dr. Verdi. “On the other hand, if things look more serious, then we can make arrangements to deal with that,” she says.

“If people do need to come it for an emergency treatment,” says Dr. Verdi, “they should rest easy that we always take every possible step to prevent the transmission of microbes. That’s for the benefit of both the patient and ourselves. During the crisis, of course, we will take additional steps to ensure that there is as little contact between patients and our teams as we can possibly manage,” Dr. Verdi added.

“At a time like this, it’s more important than ever for everyone to practice outstanding oral hygiene including brushing and flossing at least two times every day. To kill any viruses that may be in a person’s mouth, I suggest either dissolving a teaspoon of salt in a cup [eight ounces] of water or making a 50/50 solution of water and hydrogen peroxide and rinsing with either for 20 seconds,” Dr. Verdi added.

“Finally, even if people have concerns they know for a fact aren’t emergencies but want to get an early start, they are very welcome to give us a call. No one knows when the crisis will end but, whenever that is, there is going to be a rush of people who’ve been putting of all kinds of issues, it never hurts to start things early,” concludes Dr. Verdi.

Readers who are interested in learning more about Dr. Verdi’s services in Thousand Oaks are invited to call 805-370-7171. They can also visit the Dental Specialists of California website at Los Angeles residents may wish to call the number for her West L.A. offices, (310) 477-1691.

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