Dr. Gonzalez-Torres’s newly released “Collateral Effects” is a profound journey of knowing oneself, one’s place, and one’s purpose in this lifetime

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“Collateral Effects”: a wonderful read that captures the beauty of life and examines how the events in one’s journey are predestined to happen in the name of their life’s purpose. “Collateral Effects” is the creation of published author Dr. Gonzalez-Torres, a doctor of behavioral health who has spent over a decade changing people’s lives. She is a motivational speaker, lecturer, and preacher.

Dr. Gonzales-Torres shares, “Have you asked yourself why things happen to you or said to yourself, Why me? If you’ve asked yourself these questions, then this book is for you. More than just a book, Collateral Effects is a guide that will help you understand the processes you have endured and how it all is connected with your purpose.

“The book may not have all the answers you are looking for, but it does help you find them. Every event in your life has had a collateral effect, each effect shaped the way you see, respond and even repeat cycles in your life. You know what I am saying—that thing that you can’t seem to stop doing even though you know it’s affecting you. I can assure you that you will not see life the same way, and you will start making changes forever as you read this book.

“Welcome to the journey, get ready bring the book to your quiet place and enjoy.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Dr. Gonzalez-Torres’s new book is a brilliant reminder to the readers of how great God is and that healing is always possible no matter what. This book goes to show how one’s life is tied in decisions and repercussions, and these things ultimately add up to who they are.

View a synopsis of “Collateral Effects” on YouTube

Consumers can purchase “Collateral Effects” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at Amazon.com, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Collateral Effects,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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