Don’t Get It Too Late or Too Early, Study Finds for Silicon Valley Orthopaedics

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We agree with Dr. Pagnano’s comments on this study. While patients make the ultimate decision on whether to proceed with total knee replacement, the surgeon should advise patients on their rehab potential and overall health, says Dr. Gay

In a recent article in USA TODAY, the results of this study, published in The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, were detailed. The research suggests that for far too many patients, having a knee replacement procedure is done either too late or too soon. The team at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago found that 90% of patients who could benefit from the procedure waited too long to have it. Alternatively, about 25% of patients who don’t need the surgery are having it prematurely when the benefit is minimal, and they run the risk of complications. Patients with osteoarthritis in the knee should time the surgery to ensure maximum benefits if they are eligible for knee replacement.

In the article, Dr. Mark Pagnano, who is unaffiliated with the study and a professor and chairman of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at Mayo Clinic, told USA TODAY that despite advancements in the procedure, some people that should have knee replacement surgery hold on to antiquated notions of its risks and outcomes and put off having it done. However, he also emphasized that there may be serious issues in getting the surgery too early. “There’s a sense among some people that a knee replacement will magically cure any problem that’s related to the knee. Particularly for younger, active patients, they will continue to push for a permanent fix to a problem when perhaps a surgical option is still not in their best interest,” Dr. Pagnan explained.

“We agree with Dr. Pagnano’s comments on this study. While patients make the ultimate decision on whether to proceed with total knee replacement, the surgeon should advise patients on their rehab potential and overall health,” says Dr. Gay.

“At our practice, we spend a great deal of time counseling patients so they can make the most informed decision possible,” explains Dr. Reynolds

At Silicon Valley Orthopaedics, Dr. Nic Gay and Dr. Kerisimasi Reynolds fully understand the implications of having joint replacement surgery and typically only recommend joint replacement when conservative or joint preservation treatments are not viable options for eliminating pain and restoring function. They use indicators such as pain level, joint function, age and x-ray assessment to determine if or when knee replacement is necessary. Dr. Gay and Dr. Reynolds have intimate knowledge of knee anatomy and associated illnesses, providing patients with access to the highest standard of care.

More about Silicon Valley Orthopaedics (SVO):

Silicon Valley Orthopaedics (SVO) is located at 39180 Farwell Dr., Suite 110, in Fremont, CA. Dr. Nic Gay and Dr. Kerisimasi Reynolds help patients across San Jose and the Silicon Valley area reach their musculoskeletal health goals at this state-of-the-art practice, utilizing innovative, evidence-based surgical and non-surgical techniques. They provide an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plans to address joint pain so that patients achieve optimum results.

If you are concerned about joint health and would like an expert consultation with a specialist orthopedic surgeon, contact Silicon Valley Orthopaedics (SVO) today. Call (650) 379-4616 to learn more or visit

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