Don’t Be A Super Spreader


Spreading and Symptoms

This is not a time to panic but a time to prepare

At the very heart of Korea’s Coronavirus Outbreak is the Shincheonji religious group where being ill was no deterent to mandatory attendance in crowded conditions at the church in Daegu, South Korea. There, a parishioner easily spread it to the thousands who are now sickened with the disease.

In America, we too have our gathering places where one can expect to meet up with the flu and other communicable diseases. Grocery stores, the workplace, concerts, anywhere people congregate in close proximity.

Super spreaders are not only carriers of a particular disease, but it’s their habits that contribute to their ability to infect others. Openly sneezing and coughing or simply touching and leaving the virus behind will spread an airborne disease like the Covid-19 Virus to everyone in the immediate vicinity.

“These bad habits must be broken and people need to speak up when a mother allows her sick child to openly cough and sneeze with no coverage while in line at your local drug store,” says Todd West, owner of First Aid Global LLC. “These bad habits, more than anything else will almost assuredly give you the flu if you allow it to happen. That’s where masks come in as a most helpful device. Sick persons especially need to dawn a mask in order to keep the virus contained therein. And those who aren’t yet affected need to understand that wearing a mask and gloves made from latex or nitrile will deter you from touching your own face, something we tend to do unconsciously at least 3 to 6 times per minute.”

These are all helpful tips for avoiding viral transmission, but in the face of a government lockdown of vital public information, we need to be smart about protecting ourselves and our families. Not only has the CDC stated that masks won’t help you but it’s been learned that the government has eliminated many of the positions and agencies responsible for keeping our population safe during an outbreak. Stifling the flow of information will only serve to frustrate and confuse citizens so it is up to each of us to prepare for the inevitability of a pandemic.

“If the Covid-19 Virus takes hold here in the states, you can expect your life to change dramatically and not for just two weeks, but for two years,” Mr. West says. “We recommend that you stock up on long-term storage food and water and have an extra supply of your prescription medications. This is not a time to panic but a time to prepare. Wash your hands often, use hand sanitizers whenever possible, have a supply of masks and gloves and limit your exposure to those we consider super spreaders.”

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