Does Car Insurance Cover Damage Caused By Earthquakes

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“Comprehensive car insurance is the only policy that will cover your car against damage caused by earthquakes”, said Russell Rabichev, Marketing Director of Internet Marketing Company. has launched a new blog post that explains if car insurance covers damage caused by earthquakes

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When serious earthquakes occur, however, they can cause enormous damage to public property – including vehicles. It is normal for owners to worry and ask themselves if their vehicles are protected and if they will be reimbursed. if such an unfortunate event occurs.

The answer is “Yes, earthquake damage is covered by car insurance.” But not by basic coverage. If you have a basic liability plan, then it’s unlikely your car is covered for earthquake damage or any other type of environmental damage. If your car has comprehensive coverage, then you will be covered for earthquake damage. Comprehensive coverage protects your car against a wide variety of unexpected circumstances, including hail damage, storm damage, windstorm damage, earthquakes, and more.

Comprehensive auto insurance is an optional coverage that pays to repair or replace your vehicle in cases of car theft or if it’s damaged in incidents not covered by the collision insurance. Although this coverage is optional, if you are financing or leasing your vehicle, your lender will probably insist to get this coverage, in order to protect their investment once it leaves the showroom. On our website, you can fill a free online car insurance quote and find the best car insurance deal on comprehensive coverage.

Comprehensive insurance can be expensive, but its benefits are extremely valuable:

  • Comprehensive coverage will help drivers replace a stolen car. If you realize that you will not have sufficient money to replace your stolen vehicle, then comprehensive insurance might be a good policy to purchase. This policy will not compensate you the value of your car as it was new but will pay you the value of your car at the moment it was stolen. The term used by companies is Actual Cash Value – ACV.
  • This policy covers weather damage. Damage done by weather events such as hail, tornados, lightings, can leave serious marks on the body of a vehicle and in some cases, the car can be considered totaled. Comprehensive coverage pays for the repair or replacement of the vehicle damaged by weather-related events.
  • The policyholder is covered in case of an animal collision. While the collision coverage pays in cases where a vehicle hits another vehicle or inanimate object, comprehensive coverage compensates the damage done while hitting an animal.
  • The policyholder is covered in case of flood damage. Water can get inside a vehicle and destroy its interior and its mechanical components. This policy will pay for replacement parts or even compensate the value of the whole car if the damage is too severe and the car is considered totaled.
  • The policyholder is covered for many other scenarios not related to a car accident. Comprehensive coverage will reimburse the policyholder if the car is damaged by falling debris and objects, fires, earthquakes or during riots and acts of vandalism

For more info and free car insurance quotes online, visit

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