Dispel Negativity and Find Gratitude With Affirmations Featured in New Motivational Book

“From Fear to Gratitude: Affirmations to Build a Positive Future and Eliminate Those Negative Thoughts” by Glenn Cossar

“With my second book, ‘From Fear to Gratitude,’ I want readers to discard their negativity and begin to move toward confidence and independence,” Cossar said. “When we believe in ourselves, not only will others share this belief, but they will offer support for our goals.”

Life and business coach Glenn Cossar has published his most recent self-help book: “From Fear to Gratitude: Affirmations to Build a Positive Future and Eliminate Those Negative Thoughts.” Building upon the knowledge in his first book, “Yes. I Can Handle Three Things, for Now: A Better Way to Spectacular Success,” Cossar hopes to help readers achieve their life goals and accomplish their full potential.

Throughout his life, Cossar noticed that people tend to have very negative thoughts. These thoughts range from being afraid to doubting oneself to procrastination. In order to turn these thoughts around, he presents tools of affirmation in “From Fear to Gratitude.”

“With my second book, ‘From Fear to Gratitude,’ I want readers to discard their negativity and begin to move toward confidence and independence,” Cossar said. “When we believe in ourselves, not only will others share this belief, but they will offer support for our goals.”

Developed for readers who want to work on personal development, such as improving their lives and overcoming loneliness and isolation, “From Fear to Gratitude” presents easy to follow steps for readers to reach a state of gratitude. By believing in themselves, planning to act and carrying out these actions, readers will feel empowered and begin making the necessary changes in their lives.

“From Fear to Gratitude: Affirmations to Build a Positive Future and Eliminate Those Negative Thoughts”

By Glenn Cossar

ISBN: 978-1-5043-1946-1 (softcover); 978-1-5043-1947-8 (electronic)

Available at the Balboa Press Online Bookstore, Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

About the author

Retired from his career of over 40 years of human resources and business planning, Glenn Cossar decided to use his background in business and working with people to start his own coaching business. Now a life and business coach, he decided to write a series of books to help coach readers. His first book, “Yes. I Can Handle Three Things, for Now: A Better Way to Spectacular Success” helps readers find direction in their lives. In his second book, “From Fear to Gratitude: Affirmations to Build a Positive Future and Eliminate Those Negative Thoughts,” he focuses on the tool of affirmations to change negative thoughts around. Cossar plans on writing a third book to continue to help people improve their lives. To connect with Cossar, please visit his website: http://glenncossarconsulting.com.au/.

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LAVIDGE – Phoenix                        

Krista Tillman



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