DCC Ascendent Joins Clinerion’s Patient Network Explorer Platform and Improves Access to Leading-Edge Healthcare Treatment Options for Patients and Physicians in Bulgaria


The Diagnostic and Consultative Center “Ascendent” Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria, performs outpatient clinical trials for bioavailability and bioequivalence studies. DCC Ascendent conducts examinations, non-invasive procedures and clinical trials in obstetrics and gynecology, neurology, endocrinology, psychiatry, psychology, dermatology, pulmonology, and hematology.

The clinic has twelve beds and has been consecrated to conducting clinical trials and investigating new treatments for more than 15 years, performing 15-16 clinical trials per year. They follow GCP guidelines and have been inspected by the FDA and BfArM, as well by other competent authorities.

“We are thrilled to welcome DCC Ascendent and patients from Bulgaria into our fold,” says Ian Rentsch, CEO of Clinerion. “Clinerion is dedicated to bringing more and better treatment options to patients and their physicians around the world, and we are pleased to extend our presence to Bulgaria. Clinerion’s coverage means patients get matched to trials for the most leading-edge treatments and sponsors find the right patients for their trials. All this accelerates the development of new treatments and bringing them to market.”

About Clinerion

Clinerion accelerates clinical research and medical access to treatments for patients. We generate real-world data from our global network of partner hospitals for Real World Evidence analyses. Clinerion’s Patient Network Explorer radically improves the efficiency and effectiveness of clinical trial recruitment by offering data-driven protocol optimization, site feasibility evaluation and real-time patient search and identification to match patients to treatments.

Clinerion facilitates the participation of partner hospitals in leading-edge, industry-sponsored trials and time savings in patient recruitment. Researchers gain access to real-time, longitudinal patient data from electronic health records for analysis. We enable pharmaceutical companies, CROs and SMOs to shorten patient recruitment and save costs by streamlining operations and leveraging strategic intelligence. Clinerion’s Patient Network Explorer also provides a platform for integration of diverse patient data sources into real-world data ecosystems. Clinerion’s proprietary technologies comply with international patient privacy and data security regulations. Clinerion is a global data technology service company headquartered in Switzerland.

Clinerion website: http://www.clinerion.com

Clinerion’s Patient Network Explorer: http://www.clinerion.com/index/PatientNetworkExplorerSolutions.html

For more information, please contact:

Le Vin Chin

Director, Head of Marketing & Communications

Clinerion Ltd

Elisabethenanlage 11, 4051 Basel, Switzerland

Tel.: +41 61 865 60 54


About Diagnostic and Consultative Center “Ascendent” Ltd.

DCC Ascendent is a modern medical center established in 2000 located in the center of Sofia. The clinic provides high quality specialized in private healthcare that answer to the international standards in all medical areas. There is a modern diagnostic equipment and laboratory. DCC Ascendent has its own dedicated team of trained nurses and highly qualified doctors in various specialties for family planning, female and male reproductive health, conception, pregnancy and clinical trials.

The center has received an excellent accreditation assessment for overall medical activity from the Ministry of Health in 2008 year.

DCC Ascendent website: http://www.ascendent.bg

For more information, please contact:

Gabriela Mateva

Administration Director

Diagnostic and Consultative Center “Ascendent” Ltd.

Batcho Kiro str 47, Sofia 1202, Bulgaria


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