COVID-19 impact on school closures- MCH Strategic Data

Our commitment to educators, students, and schools as well as the organizations and businesses that serve them prompted us to analyze and share data that may help in understanding and planning for next steps – Amy Rambo, President MCH

MCH has been tracking trends and compiling contact and demographic data on the K12 education market for more than 90 years and maintains a comprehensive database of district and school institution, personnel, enrollment and program data to help businesses, researchers and non-profits understand and serve U.S. educators, students and communities. The COVID-19 impact map and related data can be used by anyone as outlined on the MCH school closure web page.

“Like the rest of the world, we have watched the swift progress of this devastating virus,” said Amy Rambo, President of MCH. “Our commitment to educators, students, and schools as well as the organizations and businesses that serve them prompted us to analyze and share data that may help in understanding and planning for next steps.”

The interactive map and data tables are updated every four hours, seven days a week and use multiple public sources of data to inform and refresh data points. Entire state closures are identified as well as pinned closures where state wide mandates have not yet been made. The data available for download includes the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) district and school ID, District and School Name, Public/Private school type, number of schools and student enrollment impacted, current open/close status, projected and actual reopen dates, and additional status updates.

MCH has a long history of supporting government, healthcare, and education organizations as a data compiler and data technology innovator. With a team of data scientists, database architects, statisticians, and data quality experts, MCH helps its partners to better understand, integrate and access meaningful information. “We are focused on using data in ways that change and enhance understanding,” said Kelly Holder, Chief Information Officer. “In ordinary times this might be helping a curriculum company understand which districts and types of educators are using their programs. Our expansive database and technology capabilities make it possible for us to rapidly build a tool like this COVID-19 map and provide information to a broader audience. Our team is happy to be able to contribute in some small way during this difficult time.”

For more information about MCH Strategic Data, visit our website or contact us online.

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