September 01, 2020
CourseTune, a first-of-its-kind curriculum blueprinting and learning design collaboration tool, today announced that it has named Charlie Robinson Vice President of Sales.
Robinson has nearly 30 years of experience in curriculum, professional development, learning management systems, and emerging technology in education. He has worked with and served educational leaders at the National, State, University and School District levels to help implement programs that specifically benefit underprivileged students as well as train teachers around the globe.
“We are excited to welcome Charlie to the leadership team at CourseTune. He understands the problems CourseTune is solving from a lifelong learning perspective, which is important to us and our mission,” remarked Diane Weaver, Co-Founder and COO. “At this unprecedented time, school districts, colleges and universities need to address curriculum and assessment alignment through student-centered course and program design more than ever before. Charlie is essential to magnifying CourseTune’s efforts in this important work.”
Robinson is one of many 2020 hires for CourseTune in response to the increased need to identify and eliminate course bloat and alignment gaps at-a-glance, across a course, program/grade level, division, and institution.
“With the COVID-19 pandemic came the need to pivot online quickly. We saw individual instructors come out of the woodwork wanting access to CourseTune, so we launched CoursePlan for individual instructor use. The launch timing was coordinated with QM’s Bridge to Quality Course Design in early June,” Weaver continued. “But this is just the beginning of the systemic restructuring all of education now faces. We are here to help, with the instructional alignment efforts at scale.”
Robinson agrees about the opportunity for schools to regroup and rethink their learning outcomes. “In order for an organization to improve the learning journey, they first need to see it. CourseTune’s visual modeling is unlike anything I’ve ever seen,” Robinson said. “The insights into how the learning is structured is a game changer for any school district or university that implements the technology platform and training services.”
CourseTune for teams and CoursePlan for individuals, helps educators identify course bloat and alignment gaps at-a-glance for both new and existing courses and programs. The software provides a comprehensive view of course objectives, learning objectives, learning activities, and assessments with design capabilities for a multitude of formats; online, remote, face-to-face, Hyflex, and blended.
About CourseTune
CourseTune helps institutions measurably improve course and program design. Focusing on outcomes mapping and assessment alignment, the robust suite of tools and reports enables diverse teams of educators to collaborate as they design, align, and communicate complex curriculum. It greatly enhances the efficiency of the design process and the ease at which it can be communicated to all stakeholders and across systems. Ultimately, these improvements result in a clear definition of student outcomes. The resulting insights and analytics deepen understanding of how courses align with standards and accreditation requirements. This clarity and understanding are systemic issues at the heart of improving the student learning experience from Pre-K to Gray.
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