Cosmetic Town Explores the Growing Trend of “Medical Tourism” on

Cosmetic surgery continues to be popular in the United States as 1.8-million cosmetic surgical procedures were performed in 2018. While patients continue to undergo cosmetic procedures all throughout the United States, the final price can be quite costly thanks to any fees charged by the doctor or the facility, anesthesia fees and the extent of the work that needs to be performed to achieve the desired results. Because of the high cost of plastic surgery procedures in the United States, there are a large number of patients traveling overseas to undergo cosmetic surgery because of lower prices. The growing medical phenomenon of traveling abroad for cosmetic surgery is known as “medical tourism”.

According to the senior editor of Cosmetic Town, “Medical tourism is growing in popularity as patients conduct research on the areas of the world where cosmetic surgery is available for lower prices. Many American patients like to travel abroad to have plastic surgery because they are able to have the treatment away from the view of family and friends. Because of the growing number of patients practicing medical tourism, we recently devoted a week of our news stories to exploring why more people are traveling abroad for cosmetic surgery.”

As with any type of cosmetic surgery procedure, there are some risks involved with medical tourism. The senior editor stated “patients should be aware of the fact that there are many countries that do not have the same medical standards as the United States. The doctors performing cosmetic surgery do not always have the same medical standards as doctors in the United States. The doctors might not be board-certified and the facilities may not be properly licensed for the procedures they offer. Because of these factors, patients need to do research to learn more about the doctor or facility they are interested in visiting in order to ensure their own safety.”

When asked if medical tourism is a passing fad, the senior editor said “Cosmetic Town has been observing this growing medical trend and it does not look to be slowing down anytime soon. That’s one of the reasons our news team devoted a week to stories exploring the reasons why patients are responding so positively to medical tourism. A well-informed patient is a patient that is prepared and knowledgeable about having their procedure of choice. Medical tourism is fine as long as the doctor in question is board-certified and experienced in providing natural and long-lasting results.”

About Cosmetic Town

Cosmetic Town is an online cosmetic medicine publication whose mission is to share knowledge, inspire people and improve lives though cosmetic medicine. The website features doctors who were endorsed and highly recommended by their peers. Its reliable and streamlined database allows users to easily access the cosmetic surgery information they need with just a click of a button.

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