COMPLIANCY GROUP Colors HIPAA Seal of Compliance™ Pink for Breast Cancer

HIPAA Breast Cancer Awareness

Laura Neidig, HIPAA subject matter expert at Compliancy Group states, “I’m so proud to be part of a company that acknowledges a cause that we’ve all been affected by in one way or another”

COMPLIANCY GROUP is deeply entrenched in the healthcare industry, helping healthcare organizations achieve HIPAA compliance, in turn helping their patients. Breast cancer is a terrible disease that affects so many people, as such Compliancy Group recognizes the need to spread awareness to further help patients.

This October, Compliancy Group is proud to participate in National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast cancer is one of the most common kinds of cancer in women after skin cancer. About 1 in 8 women born today in the United States will get breast cancer at some point.

Laura Neidig, HIPAA subject matter expert at Compliancy Group states, “I’m so proud to be part of a company that acknowledges a cause that we’ve all been affected by in one way or another”

The good news is that most women can survive breast cancer if it’s found and treated early.

If you are a woman age 40 to 49, talk with your doctor about when to start getting mammograms and how often to get them.

If you are a woman age 50 to 74, be sure to get a mammogram every 2 years. You may also choose to get them more often.

Talk to a doctor about your risk for breast cancer, especially if a close family member of yours had breast or ovarian cancer. Your doctor can help you decide when and how often to get mammograms.

Compliancy group’s Seal of Compliance will be colored pink for the month of October; the Seal validates and verifies an organization’s “good faith effort” towards HIPAA compliance. A portion of proceeds for the month of October will be donated to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.

Join The Cause with Compliancy Group!

About Compliancy Group:

Compliancy Group simplifies HIPAA compliance so that healthcare professionals can confidently run their practice. The Guard™ is our simple, cost-effective, web-based solution. Users are guided by our team of expert Compliance Coaches™ to Achieve, Illustrate, and Maintain™ total HIPAA compliance. Visit or call 855.854.4722 to learn how simple compliance can be.

*Disclaimer: proceeds to be donated to the National Breast Cancer Foundation are a portion of new sales for the month of October 2019

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