CompassCare Receives Generous Support to Expand Ethical Medical Care in New York


New York City is known for its high abortion rates, and CompassCare aims to make a positive impact by offering alternatives and support for women. In the face of adversity, CompassCare CEO, Rev. Jim Harden, stated, “You don’t catch the flack unless you are flying over the target. New York seeks to imprison women facing unplanned pregnancy in hopelessness, robbing them of the support needed to enable true choice, support that only pro-life pregnancy centers provide, for free.”

Rev. Harden acknowledges the challenges pro-life groups face in New York but remains resolute in the mission. “We are more than willing to fight digital censorship, weaponization of legislation, marginalization by legacy media, and even violent pro-abortion extremists if that is what is required to continue saving women and babies from the serial malpractice and mercenary abortion empire,” he said.

CompassCare invites supporters to take advantage of the generous matching funds. Donors have committed $150,000 for “#GivingTuesday” and an additional $500,000 by year-end, doubling the impact of every donation. Rev. Harden encourages pro-life individuals, saying, “You can give a baby the gift of a birthday! And your financial impact amassed precisely where the abortion battle is being fought, in the abortion capital of New York, can now be doubled through December 31, up to $650,000. Give at”

CompassCare remains committed to its mission of providing ethical medical care and support to empower women to make choices that align with their values. The organization looks forward to expanding its reach and making a positive impact in the lives of women and babies in the New York community.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin at: [email protected] or 919-437-0001.

Media Contact

Gerald McGlothlin, Special Guests, 919-437-0001, [email protected],

SOURCE CompassCare


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