Clinerion and EvidNet partner to drive healthcare forward by extending their global reach and technologies for real-world data-driven solutions.

EvidNet have established the first and only fully interoperable, seamless, real-time integrated healthcare data network of 36 M patient records from 27 hospitals in Asia, across their ecosystem of hospitals in South Korea and the rest of Asia. Evidnet’s comprehensive healthcare data platform is standardized by converting disparate hospital data into the OMOP CDM (Common Data Model). As a member of the OHDSI (Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics) collaboration, EvidNet actively spreads the OMOP (Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership) CDM throughout South Korea and the Asia-Pacific region.

Clinerion have real-world, real patient, real-time data from the hospital network on its Patient Network Explorer platform, comprising 73.4 M patients in partner hospitals across 20 countries. Patient Network Explorer allows query of patient EHRs across different real-world data sources, with their own terminologies and ontologies, by means of built-in mapping to a Clinerion-proprietary data model. This allows access to real-world data for clinical trial planning and design, feasibility, site identification, patient (re)identification and recruitment, as well as health economics and outcome research studies and market access applications.

As partners, EvidNet and Clinerion will jointly offer harmonization and integration of real-world data sources using their technologies, as well as installation of the Patient Network Explorer technology platform, to healthcare organizations and institutions joining their networks. Leveraging each other’s existing site and patient networks, the partners will also extend their RWD offerings in their respective regions to drive healthcare forward and improve health outcomes and treatment for patients.

“We are very excited to collaborate with Clinerion to have the opportunity to expand the coverage of patient recruitment services for clinical trials all over the world,” says Brian Jo, CEO of EvidNet. “We will do our best to innovate clinical trials and create healthy medical research ecosystems based on the data network established by both companies.”

“This partnership with EvidNet allows us to strengthen and expand our presence in Asia as well as collaborate with OHDSI, through our Partner, on the implementation of the OMOP CDM in the rest of Asia,” Says Ian Rentsch, CEO of Clinerion. “The core benefit of the partnership will be to provide accelerated access to treatments and visibility on clinical trials for patients in the Asian markets.”

About Clinerion

Clinerion accelerates clinical research and medical access to treatments for patients. We use proprietary technologies for analysis of patient data from our global network of partner hospitals. Clinerion’s Patient Network Explorer radically improves the efficiency and effectiveness of clinical trial recruitment by offering data-driven protocol optimization, site feasibility evaluation and real-time patient search and identification to match patients to treatments. Our technology solution provides real-world evidence analytics for medical access. Clinerion facilitates the participation of partner hospitals in leading-edge, industry-sponsored trials and time savings in patient recruitment. We create innovative and disruptive fit-for-purpose solutions which enable pharmaceutical companies to shorten patient recruitment and save costs by streamlining operations and leveraging strategic intelligence. Clinerion’s proprietary Big Data analytics technologies leverage real-time data from electronic health records which comply with international patient privacy and data security regulations. Clinerion is a global data technology service company headquartered in Switzerland.

Clinerion website:

Clinerion’s Patient Network Explorer:

For more information, please contact:

Le Vin Chin

Director, Head of Marketing & Communications

Clinerion Ltd

Elisabethenanlage 11, 4051 Basel, Switzerland

Tel.: +41 61 865 60 54

About EvidNet, Inc.

EvidNet is the first and only healthcare data network in Asia, offering a comprehensive healthcare data platform standardized into a single common data model. EvidNet is revolutionizing the way of healthcare data innovation through generation of evidence from a fully integrated data network, ultimately pioneering new paradigms in precision medicine and efficient healthcare systems.

EvidNet website:

For more information, please contact:

Gyeol Song

Business Development Manager

EvidNet, Inc.

2F, 182, Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seoungnam, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

Tel.: +82 31 628 5331

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